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photo by samantha thayer

4 Ways to Ripen Your Avocados Faster

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Vandy chapter.

We all know that feeling when you buy a fresh batch of avocados. You can practically taste the guac on your tongue, that lemony creamy goodness. So, there is really nothing more disappointing than realizing your avocados are not ready to eat, but rather they are rock solid or even green. We completely sympathize with this, so we tested a few ways to ripen your avocados and make the ‘cado toast of your dreams.

Sunlight – A Few Days


Photo by Gabrielle Levitt

If you leave your avocado on your windowsill in the sun, you may be waiting a few days to slice and dice. It makes for great room decoration, though. When it’s finally ripe, try making these breakfast nachos.

Brown Paper Bag – 3 Days


Photo by Gabrielle Levitt

Avocados, just like bananas, give off ethylene gas. When you store them in a brown paper bag at room temperature, the gas is trapped and the avocados are ripened. This method took about three days, so if you have time on your hands go for it.

Brown Paper Bag + Fruit – 1 Day


Photo by Gabrielle Levitt

Whoever came up with this is a freakin’ genius. Fruit gives off ethylene gas so adding more fruit to the paper bag helps the avocado ripen extremely quickly. These babies were ready to go in about a day. If your mouth is watering at the thought of creamy avocado spread onto a slightly burnt piece of sourdough, this is for you. Now you can try these recipes even sooner.

Microwave – Just No


Photo by Gabrielle Levitt

Microwaves are great for so many things. Popcorn, oatmeal… not avocados. I know the thought of waiting just a few seconds is tempting, but the avocado was mushy and gross, not to mention the smell in my room was horrendous. Don’t try this at home, kids.

Spoon Vandy's former Editorial Director is often found holding a flashlight over other peoples' food for her semi-famous Instagram account, @fatpplproblems. She is a lover of all things kale-related, but is frequently found indulging in frozen yogurt with rainbow sprinkles.