Do you have those friends who when you go to a bar they can never decide what kind of round they want to get? They argue between Fireball, vodka and the cringe worthy Jager bombs. Do you want to know the secret to shutting them all up and having an amazing time? That’s right, tequila.
If you choose tequila, not only will you be having a blast dancing the night away, but you could even be doing your body a favor (in moderation of course.)
Here are some reasons to take a shot:
1. Watching Your Weight? Drink Without Regret.

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Studies have shown that a sweetener created from the plant used to make Tequila could lower your blood sugar levels. Not only does it do that, but it also aids in weight loss. Pretty cool if you ask me.
2. Hangovers are Now a Thing of the Past.

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This one I know no one will believe, but Tequila doesn’t really give you a hangover. You probably think I’m nuts for saying that, but if you drink that real 100% agave tequila, your tequila nightmares will become memories of the past.
3. Feeling Pain? Kiss it Goodbye with a Shot.

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If you’re having a tough time, you know you reach for that bottle of tequila. But do you know why? It’s because it literally numbs pain. It’s proven to dilate blood vessels, which in return, results in better blood flow and minimizes pain levels. Pain in the heart also becomes minimized after a few swigs.
4. Diabetics, Feel Free to Indulge.

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If you’re diabetic, take a shot! The high amount of sugar that is found in most alcohols is not found in tequila. Since it has very low sugar, it has less of an impact on blood sugar levels. Drink away without the worries of rising blood sugar levels.
5. Bye-Bye Beer Belly!

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You can kiss that nasty bloated feeling you get from alcohol goodbye! Tequila helps regulate absorption of fat in your intestines, so long beer belly.

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Not only are all these health benefits awesome, but everyone loves that person who shows up to the party with a bottle of tequila. You know they came to get the party started and have a great time. So, next time you’re wondering what to order at the bar, or how to impress a date, ask for tequila and reap all the benefits that come along with it.
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