Beer Olympics is a series of drinking game that involves drinking ridiculous amounts of beer and having a ton of fun. All you need is a couple teams representing different countries, some Solo cups, and a shit ton of beer. When a game ends, the winning country gets a point, and winning this game might be more satisfying then a gold medal.
Here are some drinking games to feature at your next beer Olympics:
Beer Pong

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Let’s start off with the most well-known drinking game, beer pong. You need two teams, solo cups set up in triangles, and ping pong balls. Fill each cup with 1/3 beer and take turns trying to land the ping pong balls in the other team’s solo cups. If you get your ball in the other team’s cup, they drink.

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Even though there are many different versions of this game, they all have the same basic structure. All you need is a deck of cards and each card has a rule. Get ready to drink.

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In this game, everyone sits in a circle and listens to the song “Thunderstruck” by ACDC. When they first start singing “thunder,” the first person starts drinking. When they stop saying “thunder,” the first person puts down their drink and the next person starts drinking. Good luck and make sure to drink some water after.
Slap Cup

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In my opinion, slap cup is one of the most intense drinking games I’ve ever played. It’s a little like knockout, but instead of a ball and a basket you have a cup and a ping pong ball.
Flip Cup

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In Flip Cup, your most important player is the ringer. This is a good game for that person who always forgets the pong balls. Set up a line of cups and create a team. The first team to flip over all their cups first wins.

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Quarters is a drinking game that involves two players bouncing a quarter off the table in the hope that it lands in a shot glass. The player who is bouncing the quarter is the “shooter.” If the “shooter” gets the quarter in the glass, their opponent has to take a shot.
Never Have I Ever

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Most of you have probably played this game at an eight grade sleepover, the difference is that instead of putting down a finger, you take a shot. Someone in the group says something that they haven’t done, if you have done what they say, take a drink. When you have put down all your fingers, you are out of the game.
Shot Gun Relay

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Each shot-gunner will have a beer placed in front of them on a table. On the refs signal, the first player will key the beer. When the first player finishes, they will hand the key to the next player in order for them to key their beer.
Drunk Jenga

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For this game, all you need is a jenga game, colorful markers, and a few drinks. This game has the same set up and game play as normal jenga, the only difference is all the pieces have a meaning.
Civil War

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Civil war is a drinking game much like beer pong which involves shooting ping pong balls into solo cups. Each player has three lines of cups and is rapidly shooting into the other teams cups.

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The object of this game is to get rid of all your cards first. You start with an ace and count up. If you don’t have a card that works, you lie and put a card face down that isn’t in order. If someone says “Bullshit” and they are right, you drink.

Graphic by Spoon University