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Why You Should Join Spoon University at USFSP

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at USFSP chapter.

Graduating soon and seeking hands-on journalism experience? Well then, this is only the first reason why you should join Spoon University at USFSP.

My studies at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg began with the goal of becoming a television news anchor, but the appeal of presenting daily news to the public began to fade after being introduced to the fulfillment of publishing my own creative writing.

There are three main purposes of writing that I cherish and focus on pursuing: to educate, to influence and to bring joy to the reader.

Spoon University

The roof over the head of my semi-food related ideas. The platform that allows the writer the opportunity to educate, influence and bring joy to the reader. 

Here is why you should join Spoon University at USFSP.

Team Building

The writing team for Spoon University at the University of South Florida welcomes the aspiring journalist with open arms.

If this is your first rodeo writing for an online publication, then this is the perfect place to begin building a writer-editor relationship.

A shared concern between new writers is that an article may not be adequate enough to submit to your editor.

Well fear no more! It is more than likely your editor is a fellow student, making this the perfect time to work on all of the quirks and concerns you may have with submitting your work. 

Pitch your original ideas to your editor and write under a deadline. Spoon University is the perfect place to experience the thrills of writing professionally.

Spoon University is Cool

Does the header make it seem like I’m giving you the hard-sell?

Well, sorry – But I feel like somebody had to come out and say that Spoon University is straight up cool. 

It was always a concern to me whether or not I was publishing my work in the right place. Your name is attached to everything you write, and as a journalist, your name is everything.

Rest assured, Spoon University provides a professional and aesthetically impressive website design that gives your work the life it deserves. Spoon is also home to exceptional writers nation wide, so to be amongst these writers is something to take pride in.


Not only does Spoon University welcome your creative writing skills, but they encourage you to use your own photography as well.

Writing on a pitch of your choice and using your own photography? Journalistic freedom of this caliber is not to be taken for granted.

Spoon University provides you with the opportunity to define yourself as a writer within each article.