At Spoon UF, we’re not just about posting pics of food porn and writing raving restaurant reviews; we genuinely care about our community and what’s going on around campus, too. We’d like to take a brief pause from our usual write-up to highlight a fundraising event hosted by another one of UF’s amazing student organizations.
She’s the First UF is baking and delivering cupcakes from now until the end of the semester (you heard me–baking AND delivering) to support an amazing cause: girls’ education across the globe.

Photo courtesy of She’s the First UF
She’s the First is a national nonprofit organization with a chapter here at UF. Their organization provides girls in developing nations with scholarships to attend school and help them be the first in their families to graduate high school.
She’s the First is hosting a tie-dye cupcake catering fundraiser with 100% of the proceeds going towards providing girls with scholarships to attend school, empowering them to change the world. How you can help? Send cupcakes to yourself for acing that exam, to a friend on their birthday, to your next organization’s meeting, to the office for a morale boost, or merely just to provide a young girl with an education.

Photo courtesy of She’s the First UF
How much:
Each cupcake is $1 and there is a $2 delivery fee.
The cupcake catering service started on October 11, the internationally recognized Day of the Girl, and is nationally running until November 1, but will be running at UF until the end of the semester!
To order cupcakes, all you need to do is fill out an order form. She’s the First UF will bake and deliver these cupcakes to you, a friend, your club’s meeting, your office, wherever.

Photo courtesy of She’s the First UF
Check out She’s the First UF’s social media handles and use the hashtag #BakeAChange to show your support.
Instagram: @STF_UF
Twitter: @STF_UF
Facebook: She’s the First UF

Photo courtesy of She’s the First UF