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Coffee is Good for the Soul and Your Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at USFSP chapter.

There’s nothing like a fresh batch of coffee on a Sunday morning – whether it’s for your soul or your skin. It’s like one’s personal “restart” button after a long night, yet the benefits extend far past those in the mind. 

Whether you apply it to the skin or drink it straight from a mug, caffeinated coffee is a beneficial organic compound that helps promote both your health and your beauty. 

The Benefits of Coffee:

Normally, a moderate coffee consumption can be a major source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds. These boost brain function, stimulate the central nervous system, and fight liver cancer, according to Hrefna Palsdotti on healthline.com.

Day 312 - Photo365 - Dust
UnknownNet Photography on Flickr

Through exfoliation, ground coffee powder removes dead skin cells, corrects dark circles, reduces eye puffiness, and tightens and brightens the skin.

According to Paige Hemleb, a licensed esthetician at Cortiva Institute, caffeine has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It helps to stimulate the circulation of blood and oxygen at the surface of the skin by shrinking the blood vessels underneath. 

Additionally, coffee is considered a diuretic, which means it may cause minimal dehydration. When applied topically, these grounds draw out the excess water below, resulting in reduced inflammation. 

So, What Causes Eyebags and Eye Puffiness?

“It’s important to note the difference between eye bags and eye puffiness,” said Hemleb.

Upon inspection, eye puffiness can be identified by sagging skin and slightly swollen eyelids. Eye bags, however, are found beneath the eye and are occasionally surrounded by dark circles. 

Day 37 - Still Kicking
The Snarky Princess on Flickr

Along with a lack of sleep, many culprits are responsible for these annoyances. 

“Diet, of course, is one. Excessive salt to be specific, which we know retains fluids. Tobacco and alcohol contribute significantly to stress, depression and fatigue; all of which negatively effect our skin,” said Hemleb. 

Although these negative factors can be fixed with a few steps, there are some that just can’t be avoided. 

“As we age, our skin gets thinner and ultimately droops, creating the appearance of bags. As if that’s not enough to worry about, gravity also pulls everything downwards,” said Hemleb. 

However, all of this can be fixed with a simple at-home eye mask. 

Homemade Coffee Eye Mask:

Now, there are many ways one can make this mask. Whether you want to use honey, coconut oil, or Vitamin E, the one primary ingredient you need is organic coffee. 

“The great thing about skincare, especially when using natural ingredients, is that you can really play around with your combinations,” said Hemleb. 

If darkness is a concern, include lemon, peppercorn, and Vitamin E in your eye mask. This corrects dark rings, stimulates blood circulation, and prevents future darkness. 

Additionally, apply aloe if dry eyes are a concern, and include egg whites to firm the skin. Because these masks are so customizable, they really all depend on one’s personal needs.

Lauren Wood

However, for myself, I will be using 2 tablespoons of organic coffee and 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil, a recipe found on theindianspot.com. 

After determining what you will need based on your skin preferences, mix these ingredients into a paste form. Then, apply with a synthetic fan brush.

Lauren Wood

Hemleb recommends to leave this mask on for 10 minutes before rinsing gently with water. Follow with an eye cream, and if puffiness is still a concern, place two spoons to chill in a freezer before massaging them against the skin. 

“Eyebags are most prominent in the morning, so I recommend this treatment to be done in the a.m.! Plus, it’s a great way to wake up your senses,” said Hemleb. 

No matter the mask, Hemleb recommends to apply it two to three times a week for at least four weeks. This will ensure the most benefits.

“Skin needs time to adjust, however, you will still feel benefits immediately,” said Hemleb.

Hi there! My name is Lauren, and I am an aspiring author and food enthusiast. I absolutely LOVE spooky season, so prepare to be scared by the amount of Halloween articles I may post. Thirty hours of my day revolves around Netflix, so I hope this pulls me out of my binge-watching rut.