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The Only Healthy Granolas You Need in Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at USC chapter.

We all have those ravenous moments. Sometimes, we end up eating the whole kitchen. But now, you can use these healthy granolas in your daily life to satisfy those hunger pains! 

All of these granolas are gluten-free and low sugar. Many are vegan and paleo as well. After trying many, many granolas on the market, here are the only healthy granolas you need in your life:

Ladera Foods 

For that crunchy sweet tooth…

Ladera Foods granola is based off an original family recipe and is hand-mixed in California! This tops the list as one of the healthy granolas you need in your life because Ladera Foods tastes so satisfyingly sweet. But, the secret is, it is sweetened with such pure ingredients that the granola actually barely has any sugar! The Ladera team makes it with the fewest ingredients possible to guarantee a healthy product that is perfect for breakfast, garnishings, snacks, dessert, or even to sprinkle on top of your next healthy recipe. Ladera Foods is an all-around win!


For the crunchy paleo…

Kitch Fix grain-free granola does not have any oats. It is instead made with paleo ingredients such as nuts and cinnamon. It’s sweetened with honey and maple syrup, too! This perfect, healthy and nutritious snack definitely makes this list as healthy granola you need in your life.


For the soft n’ chewy paleo…

I love Wildway’s granola because not only is it paleo, but it also has little pieces of dates that help to sweeten up the granola. Definitely makes this list as on of the only healthy granolas you need in your life. It’s like when you get the trail mix and are only picking out the M&M’s… I pick out the dates first, savoring their sweetness one-by-one, then eat the granola after! This softer style of granola is a great break from the typical crunchy-styles. 

Purely Elizabeth 

For the coconut-sugar fan…

Purely Elizabeth is definitely one of the healthy granolas you need in your life. Their deliciously crunchy granola is sweetened with coconut sugar, instead of the typical cane sugar or brown sugar. This makes for a more caramel-like undertone (and who doesn’t love caramel?). It comes in a variety of flavors including original (vanilla), blueberry hemp, and pumpkin spice. It tastes so good that I prefer this granola plain, but another amazing way to use it is as a crust or bottom layer for all your homemade, paleo goodies. Click here for no-bake pumpkin bars.

Kind Snacks

For the mainstream…

A typical breakfast in my household would revolve around Kind Snacks. Soaked in almond milk, my dad’s favorite recipe with Kind Snacks is granola, blueberries, and raspberries, all soaked in almond milk for precisely two minutes. With the variety of flavors, you can never get bored with the taste. Truly one of the only granolas you need in your life!


For the superfood lover…

I’m not lying when I tell you that Elemental’s Crumble is one of the best products I’ve ever tasted. It’s so different and diverse. Made with buckwheat and flaxseeds, this snack is deliciously satisfying. This granola easily makes the list of the only healthy granolas you need in your life.

All of these granolas are easily accessible and perfect to have on hand for those ravenous moments! They are also extremely diverse and can be used as a meal, a garnish, or an ingredient in a dessert! Yummy and healthy… what more could we ask for?

As a child, I struggled with my health and with this, I discovered how food and exercise can help heal my body. My goal is to inspire others to live an active and healthy lifestyle too! By eating healthy and delicious foods, you will gain the motivation to be active and adventurous. And by being active, you will have the energy to fulfill your purpose in life... and to eat more healthy foods. I also love to travel:) I have a fitness, nutrition, and travel YouTube, Website, and Instagram called The Active Elena, where you can find those deliciously healthy recipes, unique fitness tips, and fun travel diaries!