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Grubhub and Spoon USC Present the Study Event of Midterm Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at USC chapter.

It’s midterm season and you’re probably sick of spending your nights in Leavey staring out the window and wishing that you were anywhere else in the world. Well I have good news for you! On Sunday, Nov. 6th, Spoon University is partnering with Grubhub to present the study event of midterm season. 


Be sure to mark your calendars for Sunday Nov. 6th from 4-8 p.m. at Ground Zero because Spoon University and Grubhub are here to save you from your midterm woes by providing you the study space and study snacks of your dreams. If free food isn’t reason enough to check it out, there will also be massage chairs, a photo booth, free swag and live music! Switch up your same old study routine and come study with us! 

If you can’t make it, Grubhub has got you for next time! 

Luckily, L.A. is home to more than 3,500 Grubhub restaurants including El Cholo, Wokano, Pasta Roma, Danny’s Tacos, Big Wangs, La Pizza Loca, Salad Farm and so much more so order up and you can create your own ideal study space! No matter what your study cravings are – whether it’s sushi, tacos, pizza, or a custom-made salad – Grubhub has you covered.

A photo posted by Scott (@bauer20) on

But if you are running out of dining dollars or you are sick of eating the same on-campus food that you frequent every day, I know I will see you at Spoon’s Studyhub event on Sunday Nov. 6th. Fight on and eat on!

Post sponsored by Grubhub. 

Sammy is a junior studying Communications at USC. She loves California, Sweetgreen, anything with chocolate in it, brunch, and long walks to the kitchen.