Photo by Tommy Galfano
Everyone loves pizza. Who doesn’t? But it’s something that’s easy to get stuck in a rut with. You get off work, call your usual pizza joint and order the same thing you always do. Why not try something different? Slice Parlor is a locally owned New York style Pizza place and tap room. Every item on the menu is a good enough reason to go try it, but here’s the top six reasons I was able to come up with!
1. It’s within walking distance of UNM’s campus

Photo by Tommy Galfano
As a college student living on campus without a car, I am always searching for great restaurants within walking distance of campus. Slice Parlor is only about a 10 minute walk east of campus through the Nob Hill area. It’s great to get out and walk off a few of the calories you are about to treat yourself to.
2. On Tuesdays they offer $2 slices of pizza to students with their Lobo ID

Photo by Tommy Galfano
I think we can all agree that one of the most stressful parts of the college life is everything costing money, and you having no money. To help combat this, Slice Parlor only charges $2 for slices all day Tuesdays with a student ID. It’s definitely worth the walk when they’re only charging two bucks!
3. The slices of pizza are larger than a plate!

Photo by Tommy Galfano
Who doesn’t love pizza that can’t even fit on the plate you’re trying to eat it off of? Well in my book, bigger is better so Slice Parlor really comes in clutch with this one. One piece can feed a pretty hungry mouth. If you’re still feeling hungry (or really just want more, which is totally fine) save yourself the money and try the 2 pieces of pizza with a soda for only $7! Slice Parlor is the place for the pizza-obsessed college student on a budget.
4. They offer lots of local beer

Photo by Tommy Galfano
Who doesn’t love supporting local businesses? Albuquerque’s brewery scene is really hoppin’ (haha did you see what I did there?) and Slice Parlor offers a very large selection of beers from local breweries like Marble and La Cumbre. They do offer a small selection of out of state beers, but its nothing like the in-state selection. Not to mention they offer another special for a slice of pizza and a beer for only $4! If you have yet to realize it, Slice Parlor is the place for pizza deals.
5. They offer a gluten-free pizza option

Photo by Tommy Galfano
If we’re being honest, having an intolerance to gluten sounds pretty painful. Especially if it means not being able to eat your favorite pizza! However, if you are plagued by a gluten intolerance lucky for you Slice Parlor offers individual 8″ gluten free pizzas that are to die for. Have your pizza and enjoy it too!
6. They Support Local Artists

Photo by Tommy Galfano
Slice parlor back at it again with supporting local artisans! If you go to enjoy a meal at Slice Parlor expect it to be simultaneously a local art show. The business is great about displaying local artist’s works and help to sell it, and they’re always mixing up what’s on the walls so there’s always something new to look at!