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Sean Koetting
Sean Koetting

This Company is Using Social Media to Combat Food Deserts

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Union chapter.

The Naked Juice Company has always been one that strives towards making the planet, and the people who live on it, better. From their “fruit-sourcing partnerships,” “LEED-certified bottling facility,” to their “100% postrecycled reNEWabottles®,” Naked is constantly innovating in order to enhance the health of the people and the environment their products touch. 

naked juice

Photo by Vi Tran

With the Drink Good Do Good Campaign that Naked Juice has recently embarked on, their purpose is no different. This campaign is in collaboration with Wholesome Wave, which is a non-profit organization that helps underserved communities make healthier food choices. They do this by increasing access to affordable, healthy, locally-, and regionally-grown foods.

Basically, the reason why Wholesome Wave and Naked Juice have created this partnership is to combat the severe problem that the United States has with food deserts.

naked juice

Photo by Sophia Gribbs

The United States Department of Agriculture defines food deserts as, “…parts of the country vapid of fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods, usually found in impoverished areas.” In layman’s terms, in the US these are places where poverty is evident and that population has little, if any, access to healthy food.

naked juice

Photo by Sean Koetting

These people depend on unhealthy foods to provide the basis of their diet, through no fault of their own. Food deserts include an insufficient amount of stores that provide affordable fruits and veggies while “…they are heavy on local quickie marts that provide a wealth of processed, sugar, and fat laden foods that are known contributors to our nation’s obesity epidemic.” Not sure if you quite get what a food desert is yet? Learn more about food deserts and obesity rates in this article

naked juice

Photo by Phoebe Melnick

In the Unites States alone, over 23 million people live in these food deserts. Naked Juice is a brand that “…strives to make fruits and vegetables more accessible,” therefore this crisis could not be ignored. The partnership has been running for over three years, however, this year Naked Juice has made the campaign more accessible to everyday people like you and me.

naked juice

Gif courtesy of giphy.com

To join the effort, just take a selfie of yourself holding a fruit or vegetable, share it on social media, tag a friend, and include #DrinkGoodDoGood. Naked Juice will then donate the equivalent of 10 pounds of fruit, veggies, and other produce to neighbors in need. With our help, Naked Juice will send up to 500,000 lbs of these fresh fruits and vegetables, equivalent to $500,000, to people who desperately need it. Watch this video to be inspired by others who have already joined this food revolution.

By taking one photo, you have the chance to impact the lives of millions of people. So go out there, grab your kale, avocados, or even a pineapple and take a selfie. Make Naked Juice donate more, and help bring awareness by spreading the word on a crisis that is affecting citizens throughout US.