It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year and it’s time to celebrate because we’re all finally free to express our excitement about Christmas without being judged by all of the Scrooges out there. All totally sane people recognize that Christmas is a month long celebration rather than just a single day, it’s basically law. So, if you’re feeling Christmas-ey but also want to get tipsy, round up your friends, grab some drinks, and throw on your favorite Christmas movie.
This drinking game works for any and every Christmas movie you’ll watch this month, so get ready for a holiday season that’s merry, bright, and then some. Make sure you have plenty of alcohol on hand and, to stay safe, make sure you get some holiday snacks in you before you start to drink.
Channel your inner Buddy and welcome to the first night of your newest holiday tradition.

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Take a sip if:
- Someone struggles to find the perfect gift.
- Someone goes home for Christmas. *cue my mom singing There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays*
- A Scrooge-like character doubts that Santa exists or has no Christmas spirit (booo).
- People go ice skating.
- Someone says “Christmas spirit,” “Christmas wish,” or “Christmas cheer.”
- A parent pays more attention to their job than their kid.
- A couple takes a ~romantic~ ride in a horse-drawn carriage.
- A judgmental family member is rude to someone’s boy/girlfriend.
- Someone drinks hot cocoa (they drink, you drink, got it?).

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Finish your drink if:
- A businessman/woman realizes that there is more to life than their job.
- Someone has traveling issues (ranging from massive snow storm to simply being Buddy the elf and not understanding most things).
- A reindeer is sick or injured.
- Santa flies away on his sleigh.
- Someone feels the ~Christmas spirit~ and starts to believe in Santa and love Christmas after all.

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Take a shot if:
- One of the main characters is a single parent.
- Someone finds out that their loved one is actually Santa: surprise!
- It starts to snow while two people are kissing (GOALS).
- Parents express concern about their child’s lack of a significant other (say no more, I’m drinking to that).

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Give a sip to a friend every time:
- There’s a santa hat.
- Someone decorates a christmas tree.
- Someone sits on Santa’s lap.
- Someone puts Christmas lights up outside.
- Carolers start singing.
- Reindeer or elves make an appearance.

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If for some reason you’re not walking like Sven on ice after this and are looking for more, try out this drinking game made specifically for watching the best Christmas movie of all time, Elf.