Everyone loves the taste of good ol’ fresh corn on the cob, but let’s be honest… ain’t nobody got time to actually prepare it. Well, would you believe me if I told you that there are 3 alternative ways to shuck and cook corn on the cob that are so easy you’ll say goodbye to frozen corn forever? It’s true — your relationship with corn is about to be forever changed.

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In The Microwave
1. Cut the Bottom End of the Ear of Corn

Photo by Allie Coneys
Take your knife and cut the end of the corn (without the silk) right above the first row of kernels.
2. Microwave the Ear of Corn
Microwave the corn for 3.5 minutes (give or take 30 seconds depending on your microwave).
3. Remove the Ear from the Husk

Photo by Allie Coneys
Grab the silky end of the husk of corn and push downwards. Be careful, because it will be hot. The ear of corn will slip right out, hair free and cooked to perfection.
In The Oven
1. Place the Corn in the Oven

Photo by Allie Coneys
Place your ears of corn, still in the husks, directly on the oven rack and cook at 400°F for approximately 20 minutes (or until soft).
2. Remove the Ear from the Husk

Photo by Allie Coneys
Take your knife and cut the end of the corn (without the silk) right above the first row of kernels. Grab the silky end of the husk of corn and push downwards. The ear of corn will come right out, silk and cooked to perfection.
Without Water
1. Put the Corn in a Pot

Photo by Allie Coneys
Shuck the corn and layer the husks at the bottom of the pot. Sit the corn on top of the husks.
2. Add Moisture
Add a cup or two of water to the pot and drain it out. This is simply to add moisture to the husks to help cook the corn to perfection.
3. Cover the Pot and Cook

Photo by Allie Coneys
Cook for approximately 20 minutes. Older corn will take longer to cook than fresher corn.
Now all you have to do is invite your mom over, make some cheesy corn and show her your new tricks, and prove to her that you eat something other than Ramen and Dominos.