We’ve all been there: it’s late, you’re not in the best state of mind, and suddenly you’re dipping cheese fries in ice cream wondering how you ever let yourself get so low, and drunk. Don’t worry you’re not alone, and to prove it here are 11 of the weirdest (and truest) drunk concoctions we’ve ever heard of.
1. Pizza with Chocolate Syrup

Photo by Lindsay Galvin
Who needs parm cheese and pepper when there’s chocolate sauce? Just drizzle and enjoy.
2. Ice Cream Hamburger

Photo by Lindsay Galvin
Taking the french fry dipped in a Frosty to a whole new level.
3. Toasted Marshmallow With Chocolate Syrup On a Hot Dog

Photo by Lindsay Galvin
The S’mores dog. Or, as I like to call it, Diabetes on a bun.
4. Fries and Alfredo Sauce

Photo by Lindsay Galvin
Pasta, fried potatoes, same diff.
5. Lay’s Nachos

Photo courtesy of imgkid.com
No tortilla chips? No problem. Just substitute in a bag of Lay’s and you’re good to go.
6. Swedish Fish-rrito

Photo courtesy of tumblr.com
A Mexican twist on our favorite candy. Literally just put Swedish Fish in a tortilla and you’re golden.
7. Chex Mix and Raisinets

Photo by Danielle Gervais
A perfect mix of sweet and salty…and spicy Chex Mix seasoning??
8. Chicken Patty with Ham

Photo courtesy of dailylunch.wordpress.com
Just in case you’re a little protein deficient.
9. Donuts Dipped in Sweet and Sour Sauce

Photo by Lindsay Galvin
P.F. Chang’s and Dunkin’ Donuts had a really strange looking kid.
10. Rye Bread with Butter, Banana and Cream Cheese

Photo by Lindsay Galvin
Like a PB and banana sandwich except 300 times nastier looking.
11. Mashed Potatoes, Shrimp, Manicotti and Chocolate Chips

Gif courtesy of giphy.com
Honestly, I have no words for this one. Try at your own risk.