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Wagsgiving Countdown
Wagsgiving Countdown

6 Reasons You Should Go To Wagsgiving This Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UNCW chapter.

It’s November, and you know what that means. The leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler, and the students are patiently waiting for Thanksgiving break. Turkey, gravy, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, and stuffing are all in your foreseeable future. So, what if you could have all of this and more, except a week earlier, and in the comfort of your own…school? For just the small price of a meal swipe, you can get access to the best event that UNC Wilmington has to offer: Wagsgiving. Taking place at the beloved Wagoner Dining Hall, Wagsgiving is a way for students to have their very own Thanksgiving dinner a week early, and with all of their new friends. Swipe yourself in, grab a seat, and come hungry, because you’re guaranteed to leave happy and stuffed. Here are 6 reasons why you should go to Wagsgiving on November 15th.

1. The Food

Well, duh. Between fluffy dinner rolls, juicy turkey, and creamy mashed potatoes, you won’t be able to decide what you want to dig into first. Chefs from the dining hall start prepping a week in advance for this massive school event. It’s basically the coolest thing UNC Wilmington has to offer besides Oozeball, so grab some friends, and arrive hungry. Seconds anyone?

2. The Vibe

Wagsgiving is an event filled with good energy and good friends. It’s the perfect way to come together and have a hearty Thanksgiving meal as a Wilmington community. The conversation in Wag is contagious, and there is nothing better than having a genuine talk with your close friends while eating delicious food. And say hi to Robin while you’re at it.

3. Tradition

Like I said, this is one of the coolest things we’ve got, so you might as well participate, right? Wagsgiving is one of the longest running traditions at UNC Wilmington. There’s bound to be a line, so get there at 3 p.m. for the doors that open at 4 p.m. 

4. No Clean-Up

You can literally have all the benefits of a traditional Thanksgiving meal with none of the clean-up. This is a best case scenario in any dinner situation. All you have to do is show up, swipe in, and you are good to go.

5. Impromptu Friendsgiving

Thanksgiving turkey meat
Sydney Segal

You could set up and throw your own Friendsgiving party, but that requires a lot of time and effort. It also requires that at least some of your friends know how to cook. Avoid the struggle of baking your own turkey, and hit up Wagsgiving. The food tastes homemade, and will probably be better than whatever your friends attempt to make anyways. 

6. Dessert

pumpkin flavored item sweet pumpkin
Jocelyn Hsu

Yes, you are reading that right. On top of all the savory goodness offered at Wagsgiving, make sure you save some room for dessert at the end. The pie spread is impeccable. 

Are you salivating yet? Make sure to mark your calendars, spread the word, and arrive hungry. Wagsgiving is on November 15th this year. Don’t forget to get seconds.

Hi! I'm Lena, and I am a junior at UNCW. I am currently a double major in English and Communication Studies. I love to tell stories, have fun, and explore the world. I also love to cook and to try new recipes and sample them with my friends and family.