On a college budget eating out isn’t always an option. Yet, the late night cravings that students tend to have after a few drinks makes it hard to keep that spending money safely secured in a wallet for too long. To save a few bucks, swap out some classic drunchie favorites for the less expensive store bought version. If anything, when laziness hits these snacks will be readily available in your own home for you to binge away on your lovable comfy couch.
Instead of ordering a pizza…

Photo by Tori Baier
Totino’s Pizza Rolls:
Bite size pizza is a glorious thing. Eat these pizza rolls, filled with delicious cheese, sauce and other classic toppings, like a bag of addictive chips.

Photo by Tori Baier
Home Run Inn pizza
Honestly why wait 30 minutes for Domino’s to process your order and deliver your food when you can pop Home Run Inn Pizza in the microwave or oven. Get a crispy, gooey circle of joy in much less time. Buy a 12 inch to share or six inch for yourself…or 12 inch for yourself because the drunchies are REAL.
Instead of bar food…

Photo by Tori Baier
Anytizers Hot Wings
There is a reason why it is called bar food: after a few drinks these are the meals you really crave. The price of ordering wings from a restaurant can add up fast. Buy an entire bag full of wings for the same price and really kick your wing craving in the butt. Stock up on ranch dressing for the dip you’ll need when things get a little too spicy.

Photo by Tori Baier
Ore Ida French Fries
The classic bar food that allows a stomach to become a bottomless pit, consuming the golden brown heavenly rods until you realize you’re just licking the salt off your own fingers.
Instead of heading to a Mexican joint…

Photo by Tori Baier
Old El Paso Chicken Quesadilla
No need to wait in line and wake up the next day smelling like a burrito. Make your microwave and kitchen table the hottest Mexican restaurant by quickly cooking up a gourmet quesadilla that you know will taste just as good. Because it’s a tortilla with cheese and that means it is always good.

photo courtesy fritolay.com
Tostitos Salsa Con Queso
Chips and dip are dangerous. Make queso dip and you are bound to become addicted. Put the queso in the microwave for just a few minutes and you have a drunchie that will make you forget about Qdoba.
Instead of a diner or breakfast food truck…

Photo by Tori Baier
Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg and Cheese English Muffin
Brinner is nothing compared to Brunchies (breakfast drunchies). Whether it is your favorite local diner or a quick stop at a food truck, bacon, eggs or waffles make for delicious late night eats. Jimmy Dean makes an assortment of breakfast foods, from breakfast sandwiches to pancakes and sausage on a stick, which will make you excited to wake up again the next morning for round two.
Instead of Insomnia Cookies (or another dessert)…

Photo by Tori Baier
Chips Ahoy! Original Chocolate Chip Cookies (microwaved)
Yeah, a warm, freshly baked cookie is pretty unbeatable, but it is easy to mock Insomnia’s stable drunchie. Just take your favorite store bought cookie and microwave it for 10 seconds. Extra points if you put it in a toaster oven for about two to five minutes. It’s as if the Pillsbury Dough Boy baked them just for you.
Look no further for more drunchie inspo: