I don’t need to tell you it’s midterm season, but it’s midterm season. That means emotions are running high and patience is running low. You’re trying to absorb all the information you can, and nothing is more distracting in a lecture hall than the kid that opens the bag of chips with a deafening roar that drowns out an entire slide of notes or the girl with the smelly UFO (Unidentified Food Object) that makes you choke for the rest of lecture.
Instead, make the contentious decision to eat one of these equally delicious, yet not-as-annoying snacks.
Warning: Anything with a plastic wrapper can and will sound like the Sun Chips bag from 2008 in a giant, quiet lecture hall. Choose your moment wisely.
1. Chewy Granola Bars

Photo by Tori Baier
Anything from the good ol’ Quaker ones to healthier and trendier options like Luna and Clif will work. Just be sure not to grab the original crunchy Nature Valley bars—not only will your chews be louder than a plane taking off, but you’ll also have half the bar in your lap.
2. Fruit Snacks

Photo by Tori Baier
They come in fun flavors, shapes and are easily transferred from hand to mouth with ease and stealth. Other items like Gushers and Fruit Roll-Ups also pass the stealth test—unless you’re trying to get your tongue tattoo to stay.

Courtesy of gagbaby.com
3. String Cheese

Photo by Tori Baier
You may be in college, but your favorite snack is still stuck in Kindergarten. String cheese is quick, easy and nutritious. And very, very quiet.
4. Muffins

Photo by Tori Baier
Self-contained and soft=QUIET. Crumbly toppings may give you away, though.
5. Protein Shake/Smoothie

Photo by Tori Baier
Nutritious and delicious. These come in many flavors and varieties to suit every palate. People may or may not forgive you for slurping.
For more snackage…
4 Snacks To Eat Before An Interview
5 Easy Snacks For Your Dorm Room
6 Deliciously Bizarre Korean Snacks
10 Healthy Study Snacks