Here’s an idea. How about instead of spending your life’s savings on hot drinks in the winter, try making your own chai tea latte. With a quick brewing time and complex flavors, chai takes the edge off of those rough winter days.
The ingredients and materials for this chai tea latte are super easy to find. Follow this recipe your first couple times and personalize it as you go to put a unique twist on a classic drink. Need extra ideas? Check out some recipes here for some inspiration.
Before you start, you’re goning to need some thangs: a sauce pot (with insulated handles), spoon, spatula, and a strainer.

Basic Chai
For a single serving, fill whatever mug you plan on drinking the chai in halfway with water and then the rest of the way with milk (for more than one serving, still use this 1:1 ratio, just make sure youâre ending up with as many full cups that you plan to have in the end). Pour the liquids into your sauce pot and turn the heat up to medium. Cover the pot with a lid and let it do its thing for around 5-6 minutes.
Once the milk has starting steaming, crack open 3 cardamom pods and add the seeds, 2 cloves, and a pinch of ginger to the pot. Allow the mixture to steep for another 5 or so minutes with the lid on.
Next, add a spoonful of the tea powder (more powder for a stronger tea, less for a lighter tea) to the milk/spice mixture and give it a quick stir.
Watch the pot and allow it to come close to boiling over. Right before the liquid spills over, turn the heat off and let the pot chill out on the stove for another minute. The color of the tea should be a tan/amber mix when itâs done.
Strain the tea carefully and slowly over your mug, and enjoy.
You’re done! Add more sugar to taste and have some dessert along with your drink, that’s the only way to do it. Enjoy!