Hold the phone. Literally, though, grab your phone.
Uber has announced the launch of their newest service, UberEATS. This separate app capitalizes on the company’s extensive drivers to pick up and deliver food instead of people.
After being tested in Spain, Toronto, and a few lucky US cities, UberEATS plans to open in a total of ten cities here in the states (plus Paris) by March. Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and DC are about to get a lot happier.
The plan? Foodbeast explains that Uber drivers “will pick up pre-orders as they wait for passengers.” Foodies will receive their goods in only ten minutes… or so they say. I guess we’ll just have to try it to find out. Darn.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
While you can’t order whatever your heart desires, the participating restaurants will provide a list of menu items to choose from each day. Upcoming menus are posted, or you can opt to have them sent directly to you.
If you’re eyeing a dish on a menu that’s coming up, take advantage of the app’s reminder feature.
Partnering restaurants are also listed, so you should head to the site ASAP to check out what your city is offering.
If you’re still not convinced that this is better than the food delivery apps already out there, I invite you to check out the UberEATS Twitter. Warning: images may be graphic and cause strong reactions from foodies.