The University of Georgia dining halls do a fantastic job of providing a lot of meal options, but if you aren’t consciously thinking about trying different things, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and end up eating the same foods over and over.
To get your creative juices flowing again, here is a list of 9 slightly strange combos, all composed of food available in the dining halls, that taste good and can add some new (possibly somewhat exotic) variety to your dining hall meals.
1. Eggs ‘n Hot Sauce

Photo by Ariana Simon
To get your morning started with a bang, try some hot sauce (I recommend Texas Pete) on your eggs. If you are feeling your morning dose of yellow protein is starting to taste a little bland, this will definitely give it some flavor, a kick for sure.
If you want something different for your eggs, but hot sauce isn’t really your thing, try a squirt of ketchup. It will still add a new taste to your eggs and won’t scorch your taste buds off.
2. Cheerios ‘n Cream Cheese on a Bagel

Photo by Ariana Simon
This combination might seem a little unnecessary at first: why not just eat a bagel or cereal by themselves?
But why not try them together?
A sprinkling of Cheerios on top of your favorite bagel with cream cheese just adds an extra satisfying crunch to the meal.
3. Hot Dogs ‘n Mac and Cheese

Photo by Ariana Simon
Enjoy hot dogs? Add some mac and cheese to it and you have cheesy dog on steroids. Whether you cut up the dogs and mix them in the macaroni or slather a little mac and cheese on top of your dog in its bun, you can’t go wrong.
If you can’t get enough and want to step it up, you can try a more intense hot dog plus macaroni and cheese mix with this recipe from the Food Network.
4. The Hawaiian Sandwich

Photo by Zoe Schneider
This is a special sandwich that can be found at the Bolton Dining Commons. It’s made with ham, teriyaki chicken, pineapple, and Swiss cheese. Maybe pineapple isn’t your first choice as a sandwich topping, but the sweeter taste of the fruit blends with the savory ham and teriyaki chicken in a mouth-watering way.
If you like the way the Hawaiian sandwiches taste, consider trying this grilled pineapple ham and cheese recipe from Martha Stewart when you have the time.
5. Cucumber ‘n Tuna Sandwich

Photo by Ariana Simon
Tired of your old ham and cheese? Try tuna and fresh cucumber, instead. The cucumbers are crisp and crunchy and mix well with the tuna. The taste is definitely unique but tasty.
6. Peanut Butter ‘n Cheetos Sandwich
Yet another interesting sandwich (probably the most random, yet uniquely tasty) is the peanut butter and not jelly, but cheetos, sandwich.
To be honest, the main taste of the sandwich is the peanut butter, but the Cheetos give it a satisfyingly crunchy texture. And, you feel like a kid again when you eat this sandwich, which is an added bonus.
7. Peanut Butter ‘n Bacon Burger

Photo by Ariana Simon
This combination idea comes from local Athens eatery, Clocked. Visit Clocked’s website here to discover more of their tasty burgers.
I would definitely suggest visiting the restaurant, but this is something any person can easily make in the dining hall. Get a grilled burger with bacon and spread a dash of peanut butter on top, and you are ready to experience how peanut butter only adds to the savory flavor of a bacon burger. Who needs cheese anyways?
8. Bananas ‘n Sugar

Photo by Ariana Simon
Basically anything covered in sugar is tasty, but a banana dipped in sugar is tasty and healthy. Eating this, you receive the benefits of the potassium and other minerals in the banana and also get to enjoy the sweetness of sugar. Just grab a banana and some sugar packets and voilà, you have a simple and sweet snack.
If you’re interested in some other healthy and quick fruit desserts, check out this article from Eating Well.
9. Milkshakes ‘n fries

Photo by Ariana Simon
Milkshakes and fries are a classic odd food combination. Sweet and salty make the perfect match. This one is perfect for warm weather and goes great with the peanut butter bacon burger.
Check out some of these interesting articles on other odd food combinations, too.