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I’m in College and I Still Talk to my Mom on the Phone Every Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UFL chapter.

My uninspired, hormonal misfit self has one need in this world of chaos: my mom. Her advice, her wisdom, and her experiences are just a few of the reasons why I treasure having a close relationship with her.

The real reason is simple, though —she’s my best friend. Hold the kleenex, but it’s time for an overdue thank you to my hero.

Her Outlook

yoga beer coffee
Amber Wolf

From wild freshman year stories to senior year struggles, my mom’s outlook has given me hope. I’ve learned from someone who has experience that life won’t just give you exactly what you want — you have to sort things out yourself.

But she does so with grace and dignity, and I aspire to tread through life like that one day also. It’s not easy, but being optimistic and learning how to adapt your outlook to the situation is essentially hitting the gold mine of life. 

Her Forgiveness

talk to my mom cake
Tina Liu

Holding onto grudges is never fun, but it’s also hard to just move on and forgive someone who wronged you. I feel like moms, of all people, know how to forgive and truly put it behind them.

I can only imagine how the terrors of raising children train parents to think this way. And while I’m not ready for Parenting 101, I’d like to think I’ve learned a little bit about this virtue through my mom. 

Her Happiness

talk to my mom water
Steven Baboun

There’s no fancy way to say it other than “I have fun” when I talk to my mom. We laugh, we catch up, we gossip — the song doesn’t lie, girls just want to have fun. And when we’re together in person, it’s like a sleepover with my best friend.

Some people underrate the value of a mom-and-daughter relationship, but I think it’s pretty beautiful that you can have such a close relationship with the person who gave you life. 

Her Life Lessons

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Jocelyn Hsu

I’m tired of hearing complaints from college kids who hate the “parent lessons.” They’re great. Sure, it’s never fun to feel like you messed up or disappointed your parents, but usually the lessons really pay off.

We don’t have definitive guides for life; we just land here and are expected to walk aimlessly through it until we figure it out (or don’t). But luckily, we do have some spirit guides along the way, and parents are some of the best spirit guides!

Take the advice; learn the lesson. Maybe one day you’ll be grateful for it, and maybe not, but hey it’s worth a shot. 

Simply put, I’m thankful

twisted tea water Sunset
Denise Uy

It’s taken me 21 years to realize the value of long-lasting relationships, whether they are family ties, friendships, or romantic relationships. The fact that someone can know you at your highest and lowest points and still love you is one of the rare reasons why I still carry hope in humanity.

Love is powerful, and a close relationship with your mom is a true testament to its power.

So yeah, I still talk to my mom on the phone everyday. And it’s brilliant. I learn more and more about her everyday, and I’m pretty damn proud to be able to. 

A self-proclaimed free spirit. I'm just here to share my journey and hear a little bit about everyone else's. So let's eat a little, read a little, and write a lot.