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We Had the Best Time at the Old World Collegiate Theatre At India Habitat Centre

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UDelhi chapter.

We are so excited to tell you all about the Old World Collegiate Theatre Festival that we attended thanks to a generous invitation extended to us by the India Habitat Center and Old World Culture.

Lucky for us that we managed to catch 4 plays out of the 6 at the old world collegiate theatre festival,, all performed in the Centre’s awesome amphitheatre, complete with surround sound, great acoustics and some really great lighting. The best part – an open roof venue meant that we enjoyed the refreshing air and the slight chill while enjoying the performances. To give you a brief insight into our experience, here is a little about the plays we watched:

Three Tall Women: The Ariels, Miranda College

The play was on old age and how one’s views change as time progresses and they age. The acting was fabulous and the direction was amazing. The use of curtains for shadows produced some hard hitting scenes

Shaayad : Ibtida, Hindu College

Presented in the form of a series of short stories, each story shattered a common taboo, breaking the glass ceiling and giving the audience something to think about. One particular scene essaying a bold moment between two homosexuals was breath-taking and testimony to the actors’ skills. 

Godse@gandhi: Chuhaal, Kirori Mal College

The play explores the hypothetical scenario of what would have happened if Mahatma Gandhi had survived the assassination carried out by Nathuram Godse. The play had excellent casting and the actors were so dedicated that the actor playing Mahatma Gandhi had actually shaved his head for the part! Fun fact, the theatre society of the college actually has ties to Amitabh Bachchan!

The highlight of the evening for us was definitely the tête-à-tête with Keval Arora, the founder of Old World Culture and the conversation we had surrounding the future of college theatre.

We hope this article has got you guys all excited about experiencing college theatre! The coolest part, this is an annual production that is performed till the end of this season. Stay tuned for further updates about awesome events like these!

Anahita Sahu

UDelhi '19

A glutton, Nolan fanatic and Andy Samberg lover who abhors ketchup
I'm a person who likes to call herself a wanderer looking for answers and someone who's jack of all trades, master of some. 
Aman Gupta

UDelhi '20

I am in a road of self discovery. Let's see what I shape up to be