Ever seen those quick, sped-up videos on Facebook that teach you how to cook something in less than one minute? Or, have you clicked on a bucket list of 50 Things to Eat Before You Die, and ever wished that there was one for Orlando?
If you’ve had these experiences with food online (and trust me, I’m 99% sure you’ve seen at least one Tasty video), or if you at least have wanted to gain experience in either writing, photography, marketing, or videography, listen up. The UCF chapter of Spoon University is now recruiting people to join the team.
Spoon University is a media platform that explores the role and purpose of food in the lives of college students like us. Joining a chapter gives you the opportunity to enrich your marketing, writing, or media skills while giving you access to a huge network of people with the same interests as you. Sure, some of what we do is humorous and fun, but we also enjoy discussing hard-hitting topics too, letting the site become a medium for your own thoughts.

Photo by Caitie Veech
Take it from me personally – one year ago, I had absolutely no idea what Spoon University was, aside from the fact that they posted really cool Instagram pictures. I saw their booth at a club fair, and I signed up initially just to take pictures for the chapter to post on their Instagram.
As I went to a few interest meetings (one of them had free smoothies, what up!), I learned more and more about what Spoon is really about, and it became clear that it wasn’t just a place to post really cool food pics. It was an entire network of college students that are out there, exploring the world of food, just as I was. The leadership team encouraged me to write, and even though I totally doubted myself and my creativity, I came up with my first article, which ended up getting over 2,000 pageviews within the first week.
After that, I was all aboard the Spoon train – I began writing articles just as I thought of them, interned remotely for them over the summer, and made some pretty awesome friends along the way. And now that it’s been about a year since it all started, I’d say that life is definitely better with Spoon in your life. The experiences you’ll have are both very valuable and unparalleled, and it may end up taking you by surprise like it did with me. But if you still need more convincing, check out these rad benefits of joining Spoon University at UCF.
1. You’ll get connected with people that love food (and shamelessly take photos of it) just as much as you do.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
You’ll be with people that take fifty different pictures from various angles of a single slice of pizza. And, better yet, you won’t be judged for any of it.
2. You can get free food.

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Whenever you mention you’re with Spoon University, you’ll get all the hookups. Well, not all of them, but through different events and partnerships, you’ll be able to score some free munchies. And that’s über important for broke college students like us.
3. It gives you experience with a media company that’ll look hella dope on your resume.

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You’ll get the chance to work with a startup company that’s been featured on Food Network, Buzzfeed, and other nationally recognized sites. Talk about major perks.
4. You’ll be able to voice your opinion on food topics that matter to you.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
Each of us have our own opinions and our own points of view. Spoon gives you the opportunity to either express it, help share someone’s voice to the entire world, or enable them to fully capture it.
5. You’ll be famous. No joke.

GIF courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
Restaurants and companies will start hitting you up on every form of social media (even Instagram Direct Message, like wut?) and ask you to try their place or even send you some food. Your work may also be shared on one of Spoon University’s many social media sites, which is basically the same thing as being a Kardashian.
If you want to apply, or you’re interested and simply want more information, sign up here and we’ll be in touch. Applications are due September 9, so if any questions arise, feel free to message us at spoonucf@gmail.com