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What You Need to Know About Davis’s New Food Delivery App

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UCD chapter.

You might have heard about it around campus and it’s definitely no stranger to the UC Davis Food Deliveries page. Yup, we’re talking about the up and coming food delivery app JoyRun. JoyRun just made its debut this fall at UC Davis but it has already become the next big thing on campus. According to Arsia Sarlak, Campus Growth Leader for JoyRun, JoyRun is a delivery network that’s powered entirely by the communities it has a presence in. Intrigued? So are we.


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So, how does it work? The app runs 24/7, 365 days a year which means food anytime you want it and anywhere you need it. We like the sound of that. You just go on the app to see who’s delivering from where and to where and then order to your heart’s desire. Deliveries are usually dropped off at common places such as the Memorial Union, Shields Library, and even apartment complexes.

Through the app, you can chat with your runner to find out estimated delivery times or hash out any other details that have to do with your order. JoyRun charges you for the cost of your food and a small delivery fee that is based upon the time of delivery and distance. All payments are also done through the app (tipping too) so you don’t have to worry about dealing with cold, hard cash. Technology these days, am I right?


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What makes JoyRun different from other food delivery apps is that it’s not just limited to food. There have been deliveries made ranging from small snacks to PVC pipes, but it doesn’t stop there. JoyRun is currently working with Operation Smile to help deliver for one of their fundraisers and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Right now food delivery is the primary focus, but JoyRun is open-ended and has the ability to empower the community in various ways.

So, let’s give a round of applause to JoyRun for not only satisfying our hunger but also revolutionizing food delivery.


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