Everyone knows finals week is also code for hell. To make it even worse, the quarter system doesn’t really give us a chance to take a breather. By the time finals come around, we get around four hours of sleep a night, set our alarms for 3.7 minute naps and live off of Starbucks and instant ramen to keep ourselves going. We’ve only got a little over a week left, so here are some tips to study effectively while keeping health at the top of our priority list:
1. Check Out These Spots Downtown:
The Good Scoop
With non-traditional but absolutely delicious flavors such as pink peppercorn, black sesame, and lavender, you can’t go wrong. When your stress levels start to get too high, reward yourself with an ice cream sundae and a cold brew coffee to help you calm your nerves and crack down on calculus in this cozy new spot.
Temple Coffee
If you’d rather study in a coffee shop, head over to Temple Coffee. Temple advocates “farm-to-cup” sourcing, serving sustainable produced coffee. With beans from all over the world, as well as sweet pastries and a wide selection of teas, the nutty, toasted smell of coffee beans is sure to calm anyone down.
Pluto’s Fresh Food
For a light yet filling meal, head on over to Pluto’s Fresh Food. With a make your own salad or sandwich bar, Thomas Kemper root beer, and a wide array of both vegan and non-vegan pastries, this is a great place for everyone to get whole foods that will keep your system going. The cozy booths also make it a good place to hide out for a bit and crack open the books.
Let Them Eat Cake
In need of a sugar rush but ice cream isn’t your thing? Check out Let Them Eat Cake. Located in a quieter part of downtown, this coffee-shop like bakery is perfect for anyone who wants to tune everything out and study with good music and great baked goods.
2. Keep Snacks With You
Studying extensively causes mental exhaustion and decreases glucose levels. With the countless hours you’re clocking in during finals week coupled with high stress levels, you’ll need to refuel. Have healthy snacks around whenever you feel like you’re in need of a boost of energy that will hold you over. My favorites are chocolate covered pretzel thins, nuts, kettle corn, and fresh fruit.
3. Go Easy on the Caffeine
Yes, I am aware that energy drinks have become your best friends, but really, everything in moderation. You’ve heard it before, too much caffeine will cause you to crash really hard later, and that’s the last thing you want when you’ve got an exam the next day. Keep it to two cups a day to prevent developing a tolerance. Oh, and seriously, put down the Red Bull.
4. If You’re on Campus, Plan Your Meals
If you decide to lock yourself in the library for the day, try to plan out your meals. If you’re going to grab a salad at the CoHo or head over to the Silo for a chicken and rice bowl at Star Ginger, it will be easier if you know when you’re going to eat and what options are available so that you don’t squander around campus wasting time figuring out what you’re hungry for.
5. Buyout Trader Joe’s
Okay, this isn’t the most conventional piece of advice, but it will honestly save your life. The weekend before finals, head over to TJ’s and stock up on everything. They have a great selection of pre-packaged salads and (not unhealthy) frozen foods for whenever you need something on-the-go, or just simply don’t have the time. Healthy groceries are your best friend.
6. Take a Break
Seriously, sleep. There’s a reason that UCD is one of the top schools in the nation for health and nutritional sciences. If your head is starting to pound, go get some boba, go for a run, or take a nap. Do anything that will recharge you. Your mind and body will thank you for it later.
Well good luck Aggies, we’re almost at the finish line. Power through it, summer is only two weeks away.