It’s past midnight, you’re hungry, and all you think that may be open is McDonald’s. Luckily for you night-owls, we’ve compiled the best restaurants in Davis that are open late for those who want to change it up sometimes. Whether you’re in full-on munchie or drunchie mode, need a study break, or experiencing some serious late-night cravings, we have a list to help you get it together and get to grubbin’ fast. Here are a few of the popular spots open past midnight:

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Open until 3am Thursday to Saturday
One of the most popular burger joints in Davis, Burgers and Brew is located downtown. This place is definitely one that will fill your empty stomach right up. With a variety of items on the menu, your options are not just limited to burgers, although we highly recommend them.
Open until 3am Thursday to Saturday (12am otherwise)
If you’re in the mood for some Asian inspired food, Open Rice Kitchen is a go-to on the weekends. This place is always buzzing with college students ’till the late am.
Open 24/7 Friday and Saturday (hizahhh) and (12am otherwise)
It’s technically morning, so breakfast food is more than alright to want. We thought you would appreciate knowing IHOP is open 24 hours on the weekends. If you have a car, it can be the most convenient place to get some late night breakfast.
Open until 3am Thursdays to Saturdays
Ahh, one of the classic destinations for your late night burrito fix. While it’s arguably not the best burrito you’ll ever have, it’s always dependable in times of need… so be appreciative! You’ll find this place packed with college students until closing time.
Open until 2am Thursday to Friday
The daily restaurant hours for this one tend to vary, but Thursday and Fridays are the nights to be there! This establishment serves a wide variety of hot dogs for such a small joint so if you’re in the mood for a good hot dog, be sure to hit this place up.
Open until 1am Mondays-Wednesday and until 2am Thursdays-Saturdays
This list wouldn’t be complete without sharing where to get pizza late at night. Woodstock’s is a popular place downtown you can sit down at or choose to pay for delivery. If you want to feel a little better about yourself, you can always get your healthy-(ish) on by ordering the whole wheat dough.
7. Thai Canteen
Open until 2am Tuesdays to Saturdays
There are many Thai restaurants around Davis, but this one is popular for its good food, relatively cheap prices, and late closing times. You order at the counter and then find a table, so food is brought to you fairly quickly.
Open until 1:30am Fridays and Saturdays (otherwise 1am)
Just for those who are out of the loop, In-N-Out is open decently late throughout the week. It’s cheap pricing and deliciously savory food makes this famous burger joint one of the most popular destinations for local college students.