When it comes down to chatting with the attractive bartender and ordering your drinks at the bar, it never hurts to know some snazzy ones that differ from the typical Amaretto Sour or Kamikaze shot.
If you’re going to drop a lot of cash for night out with your friends, you might as well step things up a notch and go down the adventurous route. However, this means coming across a score of cocktails and shots with names that can and will raise eyebrows. After all, what’s adventure all about unless you start exploring the less-traveled road? Weird names or not, here is a list of drinks that are worth experimenting with because they taste better than they sound—relatively speaking.

Photo by Gabriel Amadeus / Creative Commons
Fuzzy Navel—Peach schnapps, orange juice
If you enjoy fruity cocktails with a citrus punch, then go for this one. Considered an 80’s classic, a Fuzzy Navel is a refreshing and semi-sweet drink to try that is served on the rocks (over ice, not shaken) in a highball glass. It is a drink moderate in strength and can be made stronger by substituting half of peach schnapps with vodka for a Hairy Navel.
Between the Sheets—Cognac, light rum, Cointreu (triple sec), dash of lemon juice
This is a drink that was popular in 20s and 30s, and is now making a gentle comeback. Between the Sheets, however, is by itself anything but gentle. It is a strong classic cocktail, prepared shaken and with a distinct sour taste. Despite its name, it’s a sophisticated drink and your bartender just might flame an orange peel as garnish for a light citrus essence (if you’re in that kind of a bar). If he or she ditches the pyrotechnics, don’t be too disappointed; it all ends up in the same place anyways.
A.M.F.—Vodka, rum, tequila, gin, Blue Curacao liqueur, sweet and sour mix, 7-Up soda
Talk about getting the best bang out of your buck. With this blue cocktail brimming with four different kinds of spirits, you’re pretty much set for the night. (Note: I said pretty much.) As the name implies, you’ll be saying, “Adios,” early in the game, and, “Hello,” to a potential hangover because this is an extremely strong drink with a deceivingly sweet taste. It is served stirred and topped with the 7-Up soda afterwards. Be forewarned: Don’t take this drink lightly.

Photo by Kirti Poddar / Creative Commons
Broken-Down Golf Cart—Amaretto almond liqueur, melon liqueur, dash of lime juice
The name alone is enough to make you hesitate, but if you dig deeper you’ll find it’s a shot that tastes noticeably sweet and is strong enough to make you want more (responsibly or not). It’s served shaken and also has a sibling recipe, obviously called Broken-Down Golf Cart #2. The second recipe swaps lime juice for cranberry juice, and it’s just as tasty, fruity and easy to down.
Redheaded Slut—jäegermeister, peach schnapps, cranberry juice
I don’t know what the drink’s creator had against red heads, but the drink itself is a knockout. By now we can assume that two strong alcoholic beverages together in a 1.5 oz shot glass means it is not to be taken lightly. The Redheaded Slut can be served with different variations, such as adding some Coca Cola or preparing as a mixed drink. As jäger adds a cinnamon kick to the sweet schnapps, it’s one everyone can enjoy.
Oil Spill—Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps, Jäegermeister
The gold flakes in the cinnamon schnapps are pretty to look at, but as a shot, it’s not the bearer of mild intoxication. The jäger is layered over the Goldschlager, and the prominent flavor is cinnamon (not too surprising). If you hate the taste of vodka or rum, an Oil Spill is a nice selection with its relatively sweet taste.
And if you really can’t stand alcohol’s bite despite the many options, here are some ways to get past the taste and still have a great night out.