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5 Reasons Why White Chocolate is the Actual Worst

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at U Penn chapter.

There are two kinds of people in this world: the people who actually eat the Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Cream bars, and those who throw it in the trash like a reasonable human being. In my clearly unbiased opinion, chocolate is one of the world’s most versatile ingredients. In fact, some of the world’s most amazing creations – lava cakes, hot chocolate and chocolate mousse – all involve milk or dark chocolate as an ingredient.  Why ruin a good thing by bringing white chocolate into the mix? Here are five reasons why you should avoid white chocolate.

1. It is an identity crisis in a nutshell

white chocolate

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

White chocolate is not even chocolate. There, I said it. Instead of being made with cocoa powder or beans, white chocolate is made from cocoa butter – a yellow vegetable fat that comes from a cocoa bean but isn’t actually chocolate. Sigh.

2. Don’t even try making hot cocoa with this ish

white chocolate

Photo courtesy of @bethjames16 on Instagram

Okay, I lied. You could definitely make white hot cocoa and Starbucks does indeed sell it. But why would you want to buy this when you can have the real thing? While white chocolate contains no cocoa solids, milk chocolate contains about 30 to 40 percent, and dark chocolate contains a minimum of 50 up to 85 percent cocoa. So it all depends on how much cocoa you want in your hot cocoa (obviously the more the merrier).

3. Health-wise, it’s worse for you

white chocolate

Photo courtesy of livestrong.com

Cocoa butter does not taste good on its own, so chocolate companies add milk, sugar, and vanilla to turn it into something worth eating. Unfortunately, this means white chocolate is 60 percent sugar. You’re better off sticking with milk chocolate (50 percent sugar) or even better, dark chocolate (25 percent sugar) that has hella antioxidants.

According to a 2005 study, chocolate with at least 60 to 69 percent cacao solids might protect your cardiovascular system and reduce your risk of heart disease. AKA, not white chocolate.

4. White chocolate is color blind

white chocolate

Photo courtesy of @lindt_chocolate on Instagram

Good white chocolate (if it even exists) is not actually white. If it’s too white, that means cocoa butter – a pale yellow or ivory – wasn’t even used. Some cheaper brands (hint: Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Cream bars) might use vegetable oil or some other fat and then add artificial coloring. Make sure you check the label
or better yet, don’t buy white chocolate.

5. Milk and dark chocolate is blatantly better

white chocolate

Photo by Rebecca Li

Just take this donut for example – this chocolate eclair donut doesn’t have white chocolate on it. White chocolate is too sweet, too creamy, and the taste lingers in your mouth just a little bit too long. Treat yourself to a piece (or two) of milk or dark chocolate instead.