Who determines what’s acceptable to eat for breakfast? Is there a book, a set of guidelines? When I was younger I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t allowed to have ice cream for breakfast. I’d wake up craving something cold, smooth, and creamy, and yogurt just didn’t fit the bill. It wasn’t the ice cream of the breakfast world, but far from it. On the occasional weekend I’d find a way to convince my mom to let me put a scoop of ice cream on my waffles or pancakes, and those times, rare as they were, remain treasured and special.
Now that I’m grown up (kinda sorta) I’m the one who determines what’s acceptable to eat for breakfast. And in my book, ice cream is okay. Well this ice cream is okay. This ice cream is not only suitable for breakfast, but is even good for you. IMAGINE THAT?! It also has only two ingredients, which also makes it the easiest ice cream to make. Eat it plain, top it with chocolate chips, granola, flakes of coconut, or however you like your scoops. This is me letting you know that eating ice cream for breakfast is not only completely okay, but even encouraged.

Photo by Amanda Shulman
Banana Ice Cream
About this recipe: With two ingredients, you’ll have a healthy ice cream that will absolutely blow your mind. All you need is bananas, milk, and a blender. Eat it for breakfast like I do, or even dessert, but once you start making it, you definitely won’t stop.
What you need:
Bananas, 2 per serving
Milk/Almond milk/Soy Milk/Chocolate Milk, about 1 tablespoons (2 if necessary)
What to do:
- The night before you want to make the ice cream, peel, cut up your bananas, and put them in the freezer.
- In the morning, put your frozen bananas in a blender/food processor with the milk and puree until creamy.
- Top with your fixins and dig in and enjoy ice cream for breakfast.

Photo by Amanda Shulman