College students are alway exhausted. We get little sleep during the weekdays and even less on the weekends. I always find myself complaining about how exhausted I am and I’m over it. Most college students turn to coffee —we can’t get enough of it. I’m here to tell you that there are actually a bunch of foods that can give you a boost as well. Here’s a list of foods that can give you energy when you just don’t have time for that afternoon nap and don’t want to gulp down your fifth coffee of the day.
1. Bananas

Photo by Hannah Morse
They are extremely convenient and are a simple carbohydrate, so they provide an awesome amount of energy, especially if you’re a person who works out. They’re also renown for having lots of potassium, which can help you stay energized as well. As an added bonus bananas are super cheap and super filling.
2. Eggs

Photo by Amanda Shulman
Scrambled, hard-boiled, poached and even ordered in from Greek Lady, eggs are a great source of fuel. You can add them to your salad or eat an egg white omelette with veggies and cheese for a boost that will last throughout the day.
3. Nut Butters

Photo by Marykate Surette
Whether you go adventurous and have some almond butter or go classic and have some peanut butter, these spreadable foods are packed with healthy fats that will keep you awake and functioning properly. Fuel yourself in the morning by putting nut butters on a piece of toast, spreading some on a banana to double your energy-boost or plopping some into a delicious vegan smoothie.
4. Potatoes

Photo by Hannah Morse
Regular potatoes or sweet potatoes are a simple way to get energy from carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes in particular provide lots of beta-carotene, which can help you recover from a late night. Pop one in the microwave for a few minutes for an easy, sweet, energy fix.
5. Oats

Photo by Hannah Morse
When digested, oats (and whole grains) break down into glucose, therefore gradually releasing energy over time. They are also surprisingly in a lot of foods now, including Honey Nut Cheerios and Sun Chips. I recommend resorting to a snack made with oats or whole grains to feel more energized during the day, especially when you’re in crunch time with studying (yep, pun intended).

Photo by Amanda Shulman