Whether you stayed home on the couch eating bowl after bowl of ice cream, or you layed out on the beach sipping piña coladas and munching on chips and guac, your body could use a little spring cleaning. I’ve never been a huge fan of cleanses. Every time I’ve tried one, I end up binging on peanut butter or potato chips directly after. Different things work for different people, and I can say that after a week of indulging, eating wholesome, fresh foods makes me feel 100% better. Here’s a guide to what I’ll be doing next week:
Btw, I’m a student, not a doctor, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
1. Infused Water
We all know water wasn’t your #1 drink of choice while on the beaches of Mexico. Staying hydrated is a good way to de-bloat, but plain water can be oh so boring. Adding any combo of sliced fruits, herbs or fresh lemon juice can make your average water go down a lot easier, in addition its supposed to have more detoxing benefits.
2. Water-filled foods
Speaking of hydration, make sure your diet is filled with fruits and vegetables, all of which contain water within them. They’ll keep you full and hydrate you.

Photo by Kendra Vaculin
3. Lean Proteins
I never skip out on protein, even when I’m trying to jumpstart better eating. Eating lean proteins like fish or chicken, keep you full and help build muscle-beneficial if you’re planning on exercising (see below).

Photo by Parisa Soraya
4. Exercise
Whether you’re on the beach or your couch, there was most likely not a whole lot of moving going on. Unless you went to a rave. Or a club. Or hiking through the Andes. Unlike you, I did not do any of those things, so I’ll be incorporating some sweat-inducing exercise this week. Don’t go hard and make yourself pass out after a week of boozing. Start out slow. Some good cardio and sweat always helps me feel less gross.
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Photo by Alison Weissbrot
5. Avoiding sugar/processed carbs (grains)
Focusing on lean proteins and carbs from things like fruits and veggies will help you feel full yet light. The more sugar/carbs I eat, the more I tend to crave. Getting carbs from wholesome sources, such as quinoa (did you know it’s actually a seed?), may break down into sugar slower than, say a pack of gummy bears. Just keep it natural and you’ll feel better. I guarantee.
6. Sleeping Regularly
Your spring break probably either entailed sleeping too much, or too little. In that case, get on a normal sleep schedule. Being rested may help you make better food decisions, while also giving you more energy and clarity to exercise and eat well.
7. Eating Regularly
Like sleeping, having a regular eating schedule (at least while you’re trying to clean up your diet) can keep you from eating when you’re not even hungry (stress eating or being bored). Whether you like to have small meals throughout the day or three solid meals a day, make sure to keep it regular.
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Always remember that moderation is key. Too much of any good or bad thing can be bad for your health.
Want more eating tips? Check these out:
How to Eat for the Perfect Workout
15 Ways to Avoid the Freshman 15
Seasonal Eating: Guide to Citrus Fruits