Being a student at the University of Michigan usually means a heavy course load with some classes you absolutely love, and some you dread more than gaining the freshman 15. Here are the foods that might remind you of some of the most infamous classes at Mich.
Psych 111 (with Schreier of course): Grilled Cheese

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Just like Schreier’s psych class, there’s no discussion. Once you see it, you want it and must have it. That melted grilled cheese with buttery toasted bread is EXACTLY like Schreier’s sweet voice, fun class, and assurance that you can sleep in every Friday.
Math 115: Salad

Photo by Megs Rowley
VERY FEW ACTUALLY ENJOY THIS. People just do it to say they did and feel good about themselves. Like taking Calc, many of us eat salad to accomplish a goal. Whether it’s getting into Ross or looking good for spring break, no one wants to, but they have to.
English 125: Dining Hall Waffle

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You work very hard to get it right. Turning the waffle maker and measuring the right amount of batter is very similar to finding the perfect thesis and having your classmates peer edit your essays. There’s a big buildup and in the end, your waffle/essay is usually subpar at best.
History 244: Acai bowl

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Professor Lieberman talks as quickly as you’ll finish this tiny bowl of fruit smoothie. Acai bowls probably get as much hype as this popular class that may as well be a Greek life meeting. Lieberman shares so many details that remind us of all of the coconut shavings, granola, banana slices and so many other factors that go into your bowl. PLUS the option of a drizzle of honey on your acai bowl reminds us all of that optional essay we will (most likely) end up needing to do.
Freshman Seminar: White Bread

Photo by Christin Urso
A loaf of 24 slices might remind you of the 23 other kids in this small seminar. It couldn’t be more simple—or boring. There are few ways to jazz it up and you would never advocate for it. Similarly, many people sub in others for the white bread option. Very few enjoy it for what it is.
Language Requirement: Vegetables

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Just like finishing a plate of veggies, finishing four semesters of a language is something we all have to do. The class isn’t great, but it’s pretty simple what you need to do. You just have to sit through it. Exactly like your parents making you finish those veggies in order to watch TV.
Comm 101: Avocado Toast

Photo by Julia Maguire
What would any sorority girl want? Avocado toast. Comm 101 is the trendiest, most “basic” class you could take. Very similar to the avo toast trend that hit instagrams everywhere, Comm 101 has hit pledge classes everywhere and you should “def take it for your SS.”
Bottom line: whether you hate or love these classes you’d probably still eat the food anyway. #GoBlue