Nine times out of ten, coffee shops are where you find me doing work. The pressure to avoid running into literally everyone you know at the library is all too real, not to mention the ability to actually find a seat. I normally have to cross my fingers and hope to find a seat open at the major chain coffee shops, too. And most non-chain coffee shops are big enough for two people to fit in (cough cough Comet Coffee cough).
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Fortunately, Mighty Good has opened up in the oddly shaped triangular location on the corner of South University and Washtenaw.
The original Mighty Good is on Main Street, where it is frequented by Kerrytown and Ann Arbor residents. The master baristas now bring their signature lattes, powerful pour overs and refreshing cold brew to central campus.
So what makes Mighty Good a solid study spot?
1. Lattes are the bomb-digity.

Photo by Zoe Zaiss
All the syrups are made in-house by people whose primary concern is satisfying the customer; so you know you’re not getting the overly processed syrups that never expire and always taste a tad fake. The house favorite is the brown sugar sea salt latte (obviously, sea salt always gets people). But the local honey and cinnamon drew me to order the miel latte (which was bomb, btw).
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2. Local goodies to support Ann Arbor.

Photo by Zoe Zaiss
The sweets are from the Pastry Peddler’s, which no one has ever dared to criticize since they basically melt in your mouth. And if that doesn’t get you, the milkman still delivers the milk in glass bottles. Thank you Calder Dairy for keepin’ it classy!
3. Outlets are more common than wearing Abercrombie in middle school.

Photo by Zoe Zaiss
It’s the worst when you’re at Starbucks just getting in the homework grind when you’re laptop decides to suddenly hit 8%. There are barely 10 outlets in Starbucks or Expresso, so unless you have a 50 foot extension cord, you’re shit out of luck. Mighty Good’s got you covered, with literally an outlet for each person to charge at least 5 devices.
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4. Oatmeal made in-house to feed your inner granola-self.

Photo by Zoe Zaiss
There’s a great selection of flavors to choose from, not to mention oatmeal is perfect for a healthy breakfast or a mid-afternoon pick-me-up snack. Pro-tip: add some of the local honey they sell for a some extra sweetness.
5. Most importantly… Mighty Good has the ideal natural lighting for all of your Insta pics.

Photo by Zoe Zaiss
As college students, we infrequently get to sit somewhere that is mostly lit by the sun. We’re typically trapped in the UGLI, whose name is oh so appropriate, or in the dimly lit classrooms of the MLB. The walls at Mighty Good are all windows, so let the sun soak in and the people watching begin.
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If these 5 reasons don’t convince you to switch up your study location for finals then I don’t know what will. Happy studying!
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