Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of that account that you salivate over for hours on end as your finger can’t help but keep scrolling through their feed. Are there humans behind that account? Did someone ACTUALLY eat that chocolate dipped waffle covered in cinnamon sugar served with a scoop of ice cream and whipped cream? Is this food even real?
Have no fear because we are ready to give you an inside look at the truths behind a foodstagrammer. Although we may be seen as foodstragammer amateurs (still tryna build that rep), over the past couple of months we have discovered that running a foodie account was not all that we had thought…
1. Every meal turns into a photo shoot.

Photo courtesy of Charlotte Close and Caroline Bowman
“Don’t touch it!” rolls off the tongue without hesitation, patience becomes a virtue, and your friends/family begin to resent your ever present camera phone.
2. You have a note sheet on your phone for spur of the moment caption ideas.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
You are wary of letting anyone borrow your phone in the fear that they will stumble across your archives of food puns, but this is only second to the fear that people behind you in class are judging the most recent searches popping up on your screen. I mean, what does the google search “can carrots turn you orange? say about you to an outsider. Find your next caption here.
3. You become a photography snob.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
Your DM’s are loaded with submitted potential features, but some just won’t make the cut. The lighting is heinous, who said that filter was anywhere near acceptable, and don’t even get me started on the poor angle. You won’t let just anything on your account. The name of the game is excellence.
4. Follower ratios haunt your dreams.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
One day you have 670 followers and the next you have 600. What are you going to do? How in the hell do accounts like @foodintheair or @newforkcity ever become household names? You try and follow all of the food account on Instagram to boost your relevancy, but you soon get lost in the blackhole of foodie wannabes.
5. Your inbox consists of food pictures and restaurant recommendations.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
People are sliding into your DMs left and right and you can’t help but be flattered when everyone and anyone wants to make it into your upcoming posts. You never have to worry about your college kid budget limiting your stockpile of food pics because whenever a friend goes out to eat you are bombarded by pictures immediately after their entrees are served.
Lets just say we’re on a mission to conquer the Ann Arbor food scene.
6. You develop severe menu anxiety.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
“Where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we going?” You can’t go out to eat without first screening menu options and salivating over the variety of choices. Restaurant anxiety is real. Once you arrive, you most likely have concluded what the most picturesque dishes are and have convinced everyone at your table to get them.
7. Hitting maximum likes is an excuse to celebrate with ice cream (food of course).

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
You have officially peaked and no better way to solidify that moment than treating yourself to copious amounts of dessert.
8. Photo editing has become second nature.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
Sharpen. Highlights. Contrast. Done. You could do this with your eyes closed and the finished product looks so good you can almost smell it. Need some tips on how to edit? Check this out!
9. Lighting. Lighting. Lighting.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
“Actually can we have the table by the window?” Heaven forbid the hostess leads you towards that dark corner with the candles. Ambiance? More like, do you know how many likes this mac and cheese would have gotten if I could see what I was eating?
10. The road to Instagram stardom is an uphill battle.

Photo courtesy of Caroline Bowman and Charlotte Close
You can follow as many accounts as possible, hashtag until you hate yourself, and shamelessly force your friends to like things. Nevertheless, Instafame if a realm of strategy known only to marketing geniuses and not us lowly #collegefoodies.
So if you’ve gotten this far and are feeling bad for us yet, here’s our unabashed self promotion. Throw us a follow @it_takes_2_to_mango and we will do our best to keep you entertained and drooling.