Every thought about joining the quickly expanding foodie side of Instagram? Have no fear, it’s not as complicated or difficult as you think. You can quickly become the next top food Instagram account by following these helpful tips.
1. Follow, Follow, Follow

Photo courtesy of Instagram
Following other foodie accounts on Instagram is a great way to explore and gain foodie friends online. Feel free to roam around and follow any food accounts that you find interesting as you start to build your own foodie network. You also may discover some inspiration by looking at other accounts and food photos.
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Explore

Photo courtesy of Instagram
The foodie side of Instagram is massive, so don’t be afraid to roam and explore. Looking at popular hash tags (such as #foodie, #food, and #foodgasm) can really help you connect with your fellow foodies. You’ll be able to find unique and colorful foods from all over the world.
These popular hashtags can lead you to celebrities, chefs, and other common food lovers like yourself. Be careful, though, because it’s easy to spend hours drooling through these pages because so many new posts are added under each hashtag every second.
3. Take Photos All the Time

Photo by Alison Lie
Where ever you go, whatever you eat, don’t be afraid to whip out your camera and take a few quick pictures before you chow down. You never know when you’re going to have the perfect meal with that perfect lighting. Having a lot of extra photos of food on your camera roll never hurt anyone. If you feel yourself going through a rut and you’re unable to find any Instagram-worthy food dishes, feel free to use an old photo that you never posted before.
4. Trial and Error

Photo by Alison Lie
Enough of those standard filter choices that Instagram already gives you — it’s time for you to edit your own photos to your liking. By going through the advance editing options and manually adjusting the sharpness, highlights, and saturations, you can making any one of your photos look professional instantly.
It’s easy enough to use, and doesn’t require extensive background experience in a photo editor program. The best part is you can keep adjusting until you feel that the photo looks its absolute best.
5. Let the Haters Hate

Gif courtesy of Wifflegif.com
Yes, you are going to encounter some haters along the way, especially those annoyed and hungry friends that disapprove you withholding their meal for a quick photoshoot. Don’t worry, just make your perfect photoshoots quick and let them chow down. They’ll understand in the long run.
#SpoonTip: To make amends for your interruption, give them a small shoutout on your account for being your foodie partner for the day.
6. Tag Your Friends

Photo by Alison Lie
There’s no better way to get your friends to support your new account than by tagging them in posts where they are relevant. Going out to eat with some friends? Not a problem, just tag them in the photo to make them feel like they get a special shout out. It’s important that your friends support you, because they tend to become some of your most loyal followers.
7. Don’t Worry

Photo by Alison Lie
Don’t stress too much over your Instagram account — it doesn’t need to be perfect. Don’t feel pressured to post everyday or to take the absolute perfect photo. Just remember that all of this is just for fun and it doesn’t deserve any unnecessary stress.
8. Add Your Own Opinions

Gif courtesy of tumblr.com
Don’t know what to write in the captions? Writing a small description, especially if it’s your own opinion about the dish or the ingredients, is always a great idea. People who come across your photo are interested to know what it consists of and the quality.
Adding you own opinions helps make your account unique amongst the million other accounts out there, and can often complement your photo well. Need ideas for creative captions? Check out these fun food puns.