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12 Reasons Why You Should Join Spoon University at UMass Amherst

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at U Mass Amherst chapter.

1. You’re already taking pictures of your food.

You may have previously stumbled upon our Instagram, @spoon_umass. On this account, we work to fulfill all your foodie desires by creating an instafeed of delicious concoctions found in Amherst and the surrounding areas. However, you may have noticed that we constantly repost content from students in the Amherst community.

No one can capture all the options that UMass offers. You are likely already taking photos of everything you eat, so why not give yourself the recognition and audience you deserve. Therefore, we need your content!

(If you’re already sold on Spoon University, click here to apply!)

2. SpoonU is a great resume builder.

I include my position at Spoon University on my own resume, and I consistently discuss my involvement during interviews. As a writer, you also gain a URL that links directly to all of your published articles!

3. Spoon University is a growing platform.

Each day, Spoon University is expanding to more schools and reaching new people. As a member of Spoon University at UMass, you will have opportunities to collaborate with companies and learn about branding, all while making your own mark on social media. However, Spoon University spans beyond the internet. We offer a cookbook that is sold in stores, like Urban Outfitters and Barnes & Noble. You can also check it out here, on Amazon.

Spoon University at UMass Amherst
Brooke Ackerman

4. UMass has number one dining, so there is never a shortage of food to cover.

Seriously though. Have you ever experienced a lack of food at UMass? Even Frank has obscene grilled cheese!

5. There are plenty of leadership opportunities!

I joined Spoon UMass as a writer during my freshman year. From day one of my membership, I have taken pride in my work by seeing my own articles published on this very website! Two short years later, and I gained the privilege of being an editorial director and social media contributor!

We currently have multiple leadership opportunities which need to be filled, and all UMass students are welcome to apply!

6. We welcome everyone, regardless of past experience.

As a member of the Spoon Community, you are provided with the tools to foster new or pre-existing skills. Through Secret Sauce, members and contributors are able to participate in online courses, access analytics, and produce photos, articles, and videos. Therefore, you are supported each step of the way towards publication. No prior experience is necessary!

For more information on Secret Sauce, click here.

7. There is a place at SpoonU for students of all majors and interests.

Whether you’re a writer, photographer, videographer, or just a general food lover, we have a place for you! As a member of SpoonU, you have the option to contribute photos, videos, and/or articles. However, if none of those are up your alley, we also have editorial and marketing positions!

8. SpoonU has an extensive support network.

All members of Spoon University are constantly in contact with each other through collective Slack, Facebook, and Instagram communities created by Spoon HQ!

These pages are perfect for seeking advice on anything Spoon-related, and gaining exposure for your content. 

9. Food is an effortless conversation piece.

As a contributor of the UMass chapter of Spoon University, you will be well-versed with knowledge of food and publication. Your involvement in SpoonU will instantly become second-nature to bring up in conversation. You will definitely gain knowledge of the best spots in town and the latest food craze. This is perfect for bonding with new friends because who doesn’t love talking about food? The passion you will develop for Spoon University will make this the easiest extracurricular to discuss in interviews!

10. SpoonU is an easy way to get involved and make new friends!

All you need to do is sign up here, and we’ll take care of the rest! 

We coordinate meetings in easily accessible on-campus locations. You bring yourself, and we’ll bring the food (and maybe some free giveaways)! These meetings are a simple way to meet new people and bond over our favorite thing, food!

11. We operate year-round, and the level of commitment is up to you!

We reap the benefit of being an online-based organization! Through the use of Secret Sauce, members can contribute as many articles, photos, and/or videos as they desire! Plus, everything SpoonU occurs on Secret Sauce. The use of solely one platform makes the process of publishing content seamless, and simple to continue at your own pace.

12. Who doesn’t need an excuse to eat more Insta-worthy food?

UMass and the surrounding Amherst area is teeming with amazing eats. It’s time to expand past Hamp or Antonio’s and discover what else is out there!

Click here to apply now!