If you’re anything like me (or any other college student, really), odds are you’ve ended up browsing Netflix for something to watch in lieu of working on that midterm paper that’s due in 12 hours. Most likely, at some point you’ve stumbled upon It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the FX sitcom known for its warped sense of humor and its characters’ depraved antics.
Recently, I found myself wondering if I could find any food items that would come close to portraying The Gang as accurately as possible. Without further ado, I present to you the cast of It’s Always Sunny as food:
1. Dennis: Liqueur-laced Coconut Macaroons

Photo by Natalie Choy
Like a coconut macaroon, Dennis is always the best-dressed and best-looking individual in the room (or so he likes to think). Add a shot of Irish cream liqueur, and you’ve perfectly captured Dennis’ naughty side.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
2. Dee: Party Finger Food

Photo by Arden Sarner
Dee’s always looking for a good time, even if it means she has to pretend she’s slightly classier than she really is. Just like a spread of finger foods, Dee’s a mixed bag of indulgence, creativity and all-around fun.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
3. Mac: Sloppy Joe

Photo courtesy of cookingclassy.com
Just like a Sloppy Joe, Mac is sometimes a gigantic mess, but here’s the thing: he doesn’t feel ashamed. No, Mac revels in his disorder, just as you should when you’re chowing down into a Sloppy Joe.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
4. Charlie: Double Down

Photo by Alex Vu
You never really know what Charlie’s going to say or do next. That pretty much holds true for fast food chains, as evidenced by KFC’s Double Down. While you might not be sure what to expect, you can definitely bet it’s going to be unforgettable.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
5. Frank: Toad in the Hole

Photo by Bari Blanga
The oldest member of The Gang, Frank doesn’t quite act his age. But that’s why the Toad in the Hole is his perfect food counterpart; the name sounds nothing like what you ordered.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
By now, you’re probably in the mood for Netflix and Grub. By all means, don’t let me stop you.