Picture this: you find yourself with that awkward hour break between classes. You simply cannot bring yourself to swipe into Bruff. The options in the LBC are getting boring. The line for Le Gourmet is out the door. Luff is far as f*ck. What is a busy, hungry Tulane student supposed to do? Grab your fellow foodies and march to the promised land that is Favori Deli.

Photo by Harper Garfinkle
Yes, we are talking about the gas station-esque deli on Maple Street that you have probably walked past ten times without even realizing it. Ignore the run down vibes; inside, you will find the perfect affordable fix to any lunchtime crisis at broke college student prices.
Menu Shout-Outs:
Mac and Cheese

Photo by Andrew Fitzpatrick
All other mac and cheese you’ve ever have had can’t stand up next to Favori’s. Packaged in its little Styrofoam home, this treasure trove of noodles, cheese and spices will have you drooling the second you open that container. After feeling that glorious cheese steam facial, your nose perks up once the scent of parsley and Tony’s seasoning hits. The moment it hits your tongue, your taste buds begin to rage like it’s a Friday at The Boot.
Grill Combo

Photo by Andrew Fitzpatrick
Imagine all the staples of a good deli sandwich. You have your turkey, ham, American and Swiss cheese, and tomatoes. Now that we have the foundations, it’s time for the magic: Favori adds its own unique twist to this typical sandwich by adding grilled shrimp, grilled mushrooms and their famous house sauce. The sweetness and brininess of the shrimp adds a whole new dimension to this #dope sandwich. Fear not you traditionalists, experimentation is never bad.
Spicy Chicken Wrap

Photo by Andrew Fitzpatrick
Y’all ready to spice things up? This wrap is no chicken when it comes to heat. The main culprit of spiciness in this envelope of deliciousness is none other than the jalapeño and the green bell peppers come in with additional spice reinforcement. The combination of these two ingredients may seem like the wrap will be a little too fire (like my mixtape). Fret not you amateurs of spice; to cool things down, cheddar cheese, grilled onions and ranch make an appearance. This combo creates a creamy, spicy present for all to enjoy (with a lot of napkins).

Photo by Andrew Fitzpatrick
Following the New Orleans tradition, the base of this flavorful dish is the culinary holy trinity of onions, celery and green bell pepper. The remaining cast of characters includes rice, stock, Andouille sausage, chicken and a whole mess of seafood. This classic New Orleans rice dish simmers until it’s ready to grace your mouth with its presence. If you’re ever feeling adventurous check out this Jambalaya recipe you could try at home.
Other Favori perks include friendly staff, every variety of soft drink/sports drink/iced tea imaginable, on campus delivery, 9pm closing time, and the opportunity to spend your NOLA BUCKS (yes, rents, I am using my meal plan). Spoon approves of Favori…we’d almost go as far to say it our Favor-i-ate.