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2018 03 20 08.13.07 1
2018 03 20 08.13.07 1

10 Ways to Use the New Ice Cream Machine in the Commons

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Tulane chapter.

1. The Ice Cream Sandwich 

Head on over to the dessert station and grab two cookies. If you wanna be adventurous, try two different kinds. Select your ice cream flavor (chocolate, vanilla, or my favorite, swirl) and dispense ice cream right onto your cookie. Top it with the second cookie and you’ve officially spiced up your ice cream. Want to go even further? We’re going to make the most delicious, mouth watering, refreshing, absolutely amazing ice cream sandwich by heading on over to the cereal station. Now roll the edges in your choice of cereal.

Ice Cream
Alyssa Alperstein

2. The Typical Cone 

Grab yourself a cone and fill it with cold, delectable, mouth-watering, soft serve. Ways to spice it up include sprinkling your cone with cereal, bringing your own chocolate chips/sprinkles, or head over to the waffle bar to add soy nut butter. 

Ice Cream
Alyssa Alperstein

3. Whatever Floats Your Boat 

Am I the only one who admires the miraculous amount of drink options we have in the dining hall? I mean it even comes out of fountains. Don’t take it for granted and use it to your advantage by making yourself a root beer float. Fill a cup with vanilla ice cream and then some root beer and you’ve done it yet again, spice up your ice cream! 

Ice Cream
Alyssa Alperstein

4. Add Some Ice Cream to Your Waffle 

Waiting in line for the waffle maker will be worth it when you try this one! After making a waffle, top it with ice cream. Maybe some cereal too? Then maple syrup? And dig in!

Ice Cream
Alyssa Alperstein

5. Ice Cream for Breakfast? 

Instead of milk, add ice cream to your cereal! You can make it look like a parfait by layering the smooth deliciousness with colorful cereals. What if you mixed cereals? Try it and let me know how it tastes! (But it’s ice cream, so how can you really go wrong?) 

Ice Cream
Alyssa Alperstein

6. Banana Split! 

The bananas are there for a reason, your ice cream! Well, of course you can also eat them with your breakfast or as a mid-afternoon snack but, the best way to eat your banana would be with ice cream. Cut the banana in half and fill the middle with your choice of ice cream. I suggest using chocolate ice cream and topping it with soy nut butter for a yummy dessert! 

7. Coffee Ice Cream 

Fill a cup of coffee and while you enjoy your meal let the coffee cool. Naturally, once you have finished your meal the coffee will be relatively cooled. Coffee chocolate chip ice cream is one of my faves! You can make it by mixing in the cooled coffee with your ice cream and bringing some chocolate chips to top it! Pure yumminess. 

Ice Cream
Alyssa Alperstein

8. Fries?!

I know this sounds gross… But hear me out. Milkshakes and fries are pretty good, right? So wouldn’t fries dipped in ice cream be even better? My stomach grumbled just thinking about it! 

9. Extreme Dessert 

Fill up a cup with ice cream and then a cone with another flavor. Stick the cone in the ice cream. Then grab yourself a piece of cake from the dessert station, and some cookies while you’re at it. Put them on top of the ice cream and add some cereal too! Let me know what you think but I think this one has to be the most spiced up! 

10. More ways to spice it up! 

Add some granola to your cup or cone! Strawberries from the fruit bar? Drizzle some maple syrup on top. What if you crumbled a cookie on top of a cone? Fill the cone with cereal before adding ice cream? I’m sure you can think of more ideas so let us know by DMing us on instagram @spoon_tulane we want to hear your ideas!