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What Spoon University brings to Thapar University?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Thapar chapter.

When the kids shuffle their feet raggedly on the cold floor and step into their classes this morning, Thapar would have already witnessed a new dawn. It is not every day that one gets to witness a metamorphosis of a magnitude as big as this, but when one does, one needs to listen closely and pay full attention.

Now Spoon on the exterior is nothing but a food blog, which will organise a few events and like every other organisation be moulded into the complacent institution, and until finally pass into the oblivion. Then there will be a few people who might try to get it off the ground but it would be sunk so low and so out of sight that no one would remember us. And this is exactly where we beg to differ; we are going to become a part of an institution that runs in around over 200 college campuses worldwide and boasts of a network of over 9000 people. We are going to be a part of an institution that binds us over food, and no matter where we belong or where we are headed, it will always be something that is going to give that feeling of warmth and a connection that surely wouldn’t snap, until let us say that the coffee beans or pasta run out and we have none left.We are going to be a part of network that will give us a chance to mingle with cultures located over the span all the inhabitable continents. We are going to be a part of a food revolution which will make us a more well knit and a better community!

And this is exactly where we beg to differ; we are going to become a part of an institution that runs in around over 200 college campuses worldwide and boasts of a network of over 9000 people. We are going to be a part of an institution that binds us over food, and no matter where we belong or where we are headed, it will always be something that is going to give that feeling of warmth and a connection that surely wouldn’t snap, until let us say that the coffee beans or pasta run out and we have none left.We are going to be a part of network that will give us a chance to mingle with cultures located over the span all the inhabitable continents. We are going to be a part of a food revolution which will make us a more well knit and a better community!

So the next morning, part your hair, steady your satchel and shuffle your feet towards your class, just think of about it- Wouldn’t you like to be a part of the revolution?!

A published poet, and a writer who just loves his brew and his bun!