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Food for Thought: Hunger and what defines Friendships!

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Thapar chapter.

‘Battling hunger while at college’:Lines drawn, weapons at ready, neither side willing to concede, it was about to begin, the battle for that last bite of Maggie. This is not an isolated incident, scenes like this are an everyday occurrence in college life.

battling hunger while at college sauce chili
Amulya Agarwal

Once you come to college you suddenly realize the importance of food. Food is the reason you wake up in the morning. Ask any 4 am person what is their biggest fear and more often than not the answer is the same: not having enough food for their midnight cravings. Loyalties are tested and friendships staked all for the sake of food.

You never really realized that the Rs 5 packet of Parle-G that you looked down upon and scorned at would suddenly become a happy sight for sore eyes. You never really realized how tasty that Rs 7 tea at the roadside tea stand would be until you have it as the first meal of the day.All of a sudden you end up realising that how almost all your pocket money is spent on food. The only thing that you look forward to on vacations is Ghar ka Khana. You never really realized how tasty your mom’s cooking was until you’ve had mess food. Nothing tastes better to you now than the food you get at home .

Companionships in college are built up on food. If they share their last bite of Maggie with you, they’re your true friends. And people who get you food from home are even better, they’re the best of what humanity has to offer.

College teaches you a lot of things, but most of all it teaches you about these little things, these little joys of life that you never really thought about. So enjoy them and until next time Stay Hungry and be Foolish!

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