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5 Fort Worth Dinner Dates for You and Your Dog

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at TCU chapter.

On August 10th, my life forever changed…I adopted a dog. Her name is Oakley (like Annie Oakley, NOT the sunglasses), and she is a little dachshund. However, shortly after adopting her, I realized I felt kind of terrible for leaving her at home while I went out to dinner with my friends.

I started doing some research, and low and behold, found what I was looking for. There are more places in Fort Worth that are dog-friendly than I could have ever imagined. Here are my and Oakley’s favorites…

1. Blue Mesa


Photo courtesy of bluemesagrill.com

Okay, I particularly love Blue Mesa for their happy hour. Dogs are welcome on the patio, and if it’s hot outside, they have fans going so you’re not drenched in sweat before you dig into that quesadilla. Also, if you ask, they will bring your dog a small bowl of water.

2. Landmark

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Photo courtesy of landmarkfw.com

This is one I found to be a little shocking. If you go to Landmark during happy hour (avoid late at night because your dog will get #trampled), you are totally welcome to bring your dog. I just tied Oakley’s leash to the fence while we ate.

The sweet waitress even brought her a bone and a dog bowl full of water. I she liked my dog more than me and my friends. Besides that, though, they have great deals during happy hour, so you can get out of there very inexpensively. They are also having a “Yappy Hour” and dog costume contest on October 10, and you can win a large chunk of change. Check out their Facebook event here.

3. Woodshed Smokehouse


Photo courtesy of woodshedsmokehouse.com

Alright, I feel like this one is a given. I won’t lie, a big factor in getting my dog was Woodshed. I went to Woodshed pre-Oakley and thought to myself “I really have to get a dog.” To be honest, with a dog, I feel like I fit in more when I go there now. They even have a “Dog of the Month” contest. How cool is that?

4. Tommy’s Hamburger Grill


Photo courtesy of tommyshamburgergrill.com

In my opinion, this isn’t one of the better known burger joints in the area. However, they have some bomb-ass burgers. If you go to the one right off Forest Park, they have an outdoor seating area specifically for people with dogs. It’s very close to campus, and you can order a burger that might actually change your life.

However, be aware if you have a small dog: their patio is elevated and Oakley squeezed through the railings and was chilling on the other side like, “Please help!”

5. Starbucks



Photo courtesy of Alli Forrester

Oakley loves the “Puppuccino” and your dog will too. Yes, it’s a real thing, and they are FREE. I went to Starbucks with a friend, ordered drinks for the two of us, then ordered a small water and a puppuccino (literally a cup full of whipped cream) for Oakley, who went nuts over the treat.

If you’re interested in getting a dog, you should go to the Humane Society of North Texas. That’s where I got Oakley, and the people there are the most amazing people ever. If you already have a dog, and you’re looking for more dog-friendly restaurants in Fort Worth, check out this website. You might actually be surprised where dogs are allowed.