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Crystal Pepsi Is Officially Coming Back, and We’re Freaking Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at TAMU chapter.

That’s right – Pepsi’s crystal cult favorite from the 1990s is being rereleased to stores later this summer.

crystal Pepsi

Photo courtesy of Alex Thompson on Flickr

This is a surprise move from PepsiCo since Crystal Pepsi’s original release in 1992 was a huge sales flop. Behind Coca-Cola in the market, Pepsi is hoping this will help boost their summer sales.

Pepsi also announced Monday that it will be adding their aspartame-sweetened Diet Pepsi along with its sucralose-sweetened bottle to their list of products. In September, look for the silver Diet Pepsi label for the aspartame-free.

crystal Pepsi

Photo courtesy of Wil on Flickr

This stunt may be fruitless since America’s average consumption of soda is at the lowest it’s been in thirty years. We’re now more likely to pick up a water bottle or energy drink.

If you have heavy nostalgia for Crystal Pepsi, it will be available for eight short weeks beginning August 8th. It will also be released with its companion game “The Crystal Pepsi Trail,” the soda themed parody of “The Oregon Trail,” available online.

Kaylee is a senior Animal Science major with a minor in Communications at Texas A&M. When she's not in class, she's taking photos, planning events, watching Netflix, and drinking lots of coffee.