Let’s be honest, there is always a reason for uncorking a bottle of wine. It either means you’ve just been broken up with, got in a fight with your BFF, had an overall rough day, or you’re ready for a night of laughs with your pals. It sure would be nice if the label of your fave bottle gave you some insight into that stitch you’re dealing with (because we all know that the flavor and year don’t matter).
Vinepair is already ahead of you. They created these fake wine bottle labels that are #honest about the night ahead.
You’re vino will always be there for you, but they sure as hell aren’t putting up with your shit anymore.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
Maybe this glass could help.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
Yeah, right… that is (unfortunately) definitely going to happen. Just be sure your cat is beside you with a bottle of their own. Cheers.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
There is nothing that pairs better with a break-up than a fat bottle of wine, amirite? Oh, and maybe a 3-course pizza dinner.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
Oh, it’s tooootally a thing. All the single ladies, put your hands up.
By the way, single-serving pancakes are a thing, too

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
That is actually quite offensive. But if my mother likes wine… and I like my mother… then that’s how I came to like wine. Sooooo, thanks, Ma. I’ll teach you how to cook with the leftovers next time we drink.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
No way, brosé.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
It’s always the wine talking. Always. Or just make this PB Oreo cake cause its better than any boyf.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
Many grapes. V good. Super healthy.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
There is no way in hell that this bottle is going to have anything left in it by the end of the hour. Here’s validation to drink the whole bottle… if you need it.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
It’s my bottle, I can whine if I want to. Even whine with your friends at wine night.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
At least you’re being warned. Don’t forget the Ben and Jerry’s.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
At least someone (or I guess, something) is telling you how it is.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
Hundo p the best day of the week. Host a kick ass wine and cheese night with these tips.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
If only this bottle could also confiscate your phone… that would be really helpful. Drinking and eating is totally okay though.
Beware: drunk dialing always happens after the third glass.

Photo courtesy of vinepair.com
No explanation necessary. When the bottle is empty (cause we already established that you’re gonna drink the whole thing), make something cool.

Photo courtesy of awesomeinventions.com
For the rest of the wine labels, click here.