Summertime means watermelon consumption is at an all time high, and although eating slices over and over and over again never gets tiring, here are some tips and tricks to adding a little variety to your watermelon-consuming routine:
1. Storage tip: Shower caps are the best watermelon-storage wrapper out there. If there’s a standby watermelon half you’re saving for later, throw a shower cap on it! Even put a shower cap over the bowl of watermelon dices and slices to avoid that annoyance known as saran wrap.

Photo by Tess Wei
2. Not a fan of getting watermelon juice on your face after every bite? Well, there is a less sticky solution. Try slicing rectangular strips instead of triangular wedges for an easier, more accessible nom.

Photo by Tess Wei
3. If you’re a true hard-core fan then the time has come to invest in your very own watermelon bowl. Especially during the winter months when summer seems like a distant thought, this bowl will remind you of all the good watermelon-filled times to come. It’s also perfect for holding watermelon cubes, another go-to way of slicing things up.

Photo by Tess Wei
4. Add a sprinkle of salt and a dash of cayenne pepper to your watermelon! Call me crazy, but this combo is delicious – if it’s hard to imagine, just think along the lines of the taste combo chili-chocolate creates.

Photo by Tess Wei
Try using these simple tips to mix things up because anyway you slice it, eat it, and even season it, watermelon is undeniably a must throughout the summer.

Photo by Tess Wei