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How to Hack the Commons to Stay Healthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Stonehill chapter.

One of the hardest things about coming to college for me was adjusting to eating dining hall food, as I’m the type of person who tingles with excitement when they see a Whole Foods.  Have no fear, because, over the last year, I’ve figured out how to hack the commons to stay healthy. 


If you’re anything like me, you hate getting out of bed in the morning.  So getting up even earlier to grab breakfast before class is a pain.  But trust me, it’s worth it.  Fresh fruit is only out at the salad bar during breakfast time.  Super annoying, I know, but we can work around it.  Load up before class and store it in your fridge in your room so you can snack all day long.  On the weekends, the line for the breakfast sandwiches is miles long, but during the week, the line is totally bearable.  Try getting two eggs on a whole wheat English muffin, skip the cheese.  Lastly, if you’re in a rush, some PB and banana on your choice of toasted bread is always a good move.

Bonus:  If you’re a caffeine addict like me, your coffee is a necessity in the morning.  Skip the sugars and syrup and try almond milk for a change.  It’ll give you the creaminess you need from your milk but also a hint of flavor and a dash of sweetness.


The newest addition this year to the Commons is burrito bar three days a week.  Even better, is that it stays open until 3:00 on weekdays.  Skip the tortilla and get the rest in a bowl opting for chicken or tofu.  Load up on the veggies, limit the cheese, and skip the sour cream or replace it with plain greek yogurt.  Chicken Wrap Thursdays play a similar story, however, opt for the whole wheat tortilla with grilled chicken, add some extra veggies from the salad bar and omit the dressing.  Lastly, the panini station always has a vegetarian option that’s healthy.  Look for the vegetarian taco or mozzarella paninis as some good options.  And as always, you can get a super yummy deli sandwich on a whole wheat pita loaded with veggies any day of the week. 


For most healthy eaters, The Hill is usually the last place they end up.  However, getting a cheese pizza and adding grilled veggies and spinach is a great way to switch things up.  Also, most people forget about how the salad bar has two soup options every day.  Always check the soup options, if you’re not seeing anything else that’s appealing.  The chicken and rice soup is a great option and can be paired with a salad or a sandwich from the deli.  I frequently get grilled chicken and steamed broccoli from healthy sides and grab some plain pasta to eat with it.  The amount of pasta they give you can serve a family of three, so save some in the fridge and eat it for a meal the next day.  Even if you’re not a vegetarian, always check the vegetarian option because it’s usually the healthiest one.  I often get it and add a grilled chicken breast to it for protein. 


The bakery is one of the best parts of the dining hall at Stonehill, but their desserts are downright dangerous.  I mean we have the ability to order an entire custom cake with our meal plan.  However, the vegan cookies, in my opinion, are the best cookies at the bakery and are a good treat for the health conscious.  Disclaimer: They’re only available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.  Trail mix bar pops up occasionally, giving you the option to control your sugar intake when picking out your candies, nuts, and dried fruits.  But I mean, every once and a while, it’s totally acceptable to get a pint of ice cream on Ben and Jerry’s night. Everythings fine.  Totally fine. 

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Taylor Long

Stonehill '20