There are seven residence buildings on campus and one thing they all have in common is a love for food. As all St. FX students know, pizza is a pretty big deal around Antigonish. The struggle can be pretty real when it comes to choosing between Kenny’s or the Wheel (and hey, if you’re into Snappy Tomato’s that’s cool too).
Whether it’s a Tuesday night and you’re hanging out with your roommates and decide to order an extra large garlic fingers with donair sauce (no judgement), or it’s a Friday night at 2:00 am and Kenny’s is calling you after leaving the pub, Antigonish has the pizza scene covered. We may love our pizza here but it’s not the only food we can indulge in. We are more than just our side in the Antigonish pizza debate, and what better way to look at each residence than to see what food they would be?
Riley Hall – Thanksgiving Dinner

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Starting in upper campus, Riley Hall may seem distant to the rest of campus, but their family-like community is warm and inviting. The atmosphere is reminiscent of a big family meal, like a college Thanksgiving dinner.
Riley is known for having a kitchen in the building and definitely puts it to good use when cooking for a big crowd. Nothing better describes this residence than a family coming together for a big meal that never fails to disappoint.
O’Regan Hall – Lobster

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Like Riley Hall, O’Regan Hall has a pretty nice kitchen set up on their fourth floor beside their spacious lounge. With large rooms, private bathrooms and flat screen TVs, O’Regan is known to be a luxurious residence. And what better to describe a fancy place than a Nova Scotia classic, a fancy lobster dinner?
MacIsaac Hall – Kraft Dinner

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Continuing through upper campus is MacIsaac Hall. A well-known party residence housing many students who enjoy an occasional Wing Night and Thirsty Thursday at Splitties. Along with those late nights at the bar, come late night snacks. Among those snacks? Kraft dinner: the epitome of a drunk and cheap snacks for students returning from a night out in Antigonish.
Lane Hall – Lasagna

Photo by Christy Luong
Next up, the home of the Pitbulls. Like the floors of this residence, Lane hall needs a food with differentiating layers. What type of food is layered and can be made in a variety of ways? Lasagna. Lasagna can be made with vegetables and béchamel sauce, meat and cheese, structured or unstructured – you name it. No matter how it’s layered, this classic will keep you coming back for more.
Bishops Hall – Neapolitan Ice Cream

Photo courtesy of Vivian Dang
Bishops is made up of layers stacked on top of each other like the classic Neapolitan ice cream. Chocolate, strawberry and vanilla are all flavours that are favourites on their own somehow seem to come together to create one perfect combination just like the houses of Burke, Fraser and Plessis. These sweet flavors describe Burke as classic vanilla, Fraser as fun chocolate and Plessis as sweet strawberry.
MacKinnon Hall – Chicken Wings and Spaghetti & Meatballs

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MacKinnon is home to Chillis and MacNeil. Housing the Wing-Night regular Chillis Chicks, what better food could represent this house than chicken wings? This go-to hang out food is as laid back as the girls of Chillis.
The attached MacNeil is a house full of Tri-Mac hockey players. That’s why a perfect food for this house is spaghetti and meatballs, a pre-game carbo-load for the boys before they hit the ice.
Cameron Hall – Athlete’s Special, Sunday Sundae & Subway

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Last but not least, Cameron Hall. TNT, found in the middle of the house, is the home of the Tigers. As an all-girls residence, there are many different personalities and friend groups who come together to create a special bond. That’s why these girls are like the meal hall dessert bar that finishes off the weekend. With multiple flavours of ice cream, a variety of sauces or various toppings, Sunday sundae describes TNT.
On the left side of the building is MacDonald. Home to thirty boys who seem to always be dialing the phone number to the Wheel, these boys are finishing off the Athlete Special as a large slice of lasagna and garlic bread.
That leaves the residence on the right side of the building, MacPherson. These boys are known for their late night trips to Subway to enjoy foot long subs, whose popularity perfectly describes these boys who never disappoint.

Photo by Molly Barreca
So while we all may have an immense love for pizza here at St. FX, we’re more than just the pizza chain we side with. Every residence is unique with different cheers, colours and traditions, but we all make up one large community – and who would order one item when you could have a buffet?