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What To Make Sure To Eat Over Mid-Semester Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at St. Law U chapter.

Wherever you find yourself this mid-semester break, it is important to indulge yourself with your favorite foods that are not easily accessible on college campuses. Before it is too late and you return to the dining hall lifestyle, I am going to share with you what I miss the most at school and eat upon my arrival home. Here is what to make sure to eat over mid-semester break:


I think that most everyone can relate to my intense love for avocados. Unfortunately, it is not easy to run by a good avocado at school. Whenever I return home, I always make sure that my fridge is loaded with the best and most ripe avocados. I use them on just about everything, which makes it so hard to live without them. However, my long awaited reunion with the perfectly green fruit makes it all worth it. I recommend putting it on toast, on a salad, a sandwich, or ever just eating it plain! 

Greek yogurt substitutes avocado vegetable
Sarah Silbiger


When I am at school, I eat plenty of apples, bananas, and oranges, but I constantly crave fresh berries. I am a huge fan of fruit, so being without this tasty produce is often devastating. If you are like me, make it your mission to eat as many berries as you can get your hands on! Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries, oh my! 

Strawberry picking strawberry berry
Becky Hughes

Veterans Day pie blueberry
Sam Jesner

Cheese & Crackers

I often feel that it is easy to under appreciate the deliciousness of cheese & crackers. This classic snack is a true crowd pleaser and is even better to share with your friends and family while you are home for mid-semster. Indulge yourself in the yummiest cheeses that you cannot find at school and get your favorite crackers to pair with it. Maybe even make a charcuterie board if you’re feeling extra fancy. Go crazy!

cheese board platter Fruit
Amber Holte


Last but not least, don’t miss your limited opportunity to get good coffee. Whether using a fancy Nespresso machine at your house or going to a local coffee shop, have at least one cup of coffee a day to enjoy it while it lasts. With all of the extra energy, you can stay up and make more time to eat all of the foods that you miss at school!

chain coffee shops coffee cappuccino
Alex Frank

coffee day ice coffee
Alex Frank

My suggestions listed above are what to make sure to eat over mid-semester break. Get it while you can! Bon appétit!

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Charlotte Barry

St. Law U '17

Hi! My name is Charlotte Barry and I am a freshman at St. Lawrence University.