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Healthy Snacks For Students Living on College Campuses

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at St. Law U chapter.

It’s difficult to stay healthy in college. However, it is very important to maintain a balanced diet throughout the year to avoid illness and ensure mental and academic success. Reminding myself this motivates me to eat as healthy as possible while living on a college campus. I have gathered some of my favorite healthy snacks for students living on college campuses that I consistently eat throughout the week.


I already knew that I liked nuts, but for some reason going to college made me develop a new love for them. I am addicted to almonds and other nuts such as cashews, pistachios, macadamias, etc. I love to have them stored in my backpack for a quick snack when I am desperate. A great perk to nuts is that they are super filling, but won’t leave you feeling too full like a lot of unhealthy snacks do. Personally, I prefer unsalted nuts (I am not a huge fan of salt), but if you need to ease into it, then try a lightly salted version of your nut of choice. This is my favorite snack to munch on before hitting the gym and will definitely provide you with lots of fuel to keep your body moving.


I always have and always will have an obsession with yogurt. However, some yogurt brands can fool you and be loaded with unnecessary sugars that really defeat its purpose. For me, I am perfectly happy with eating plain, non-fat, Greek yogurt and adding a bit of honey and banana to it, but if you are someone who needs added flavor, I highly recommend researching Chobani’s wide selection. I love Chobani because their flavored yogurts don’t have as many sugars as other brands do. I tend to gravitate towards their blueberry, peach, and raspberry flavors when I am getting bored of plain yogurt. Yogurt is the perfect quick breakfast before class and will leave you feeling full and satisfied to kick-start your day.


It can be super challenging to fit in your proper daily dose of fruit on a college campus. But, it is super common that your campus will offer tons of bananas and apples, which you should be sure to consume daily. These are perfect snacks to choose when hunger strikes mid-day and you need an extra pick-me-up. I often have bananas and apples with peanut butter, but most of them time I just eat them alone. Definitely be sure to eat fruit as often as possible at school to boost your immune system and get your daily dose of Vitamin C.

English Muffins

I am honestly not a huge bread person, but every so often I crave carbs. English muffins are pretty low in calories and I don’t feel badly or weighed down when I consume them. My new favorite thing to put on my whole wheat english muffins are strawberry cream cheese and jelly. This always tastes like a treat to me and keeps me full and satisfied. I also love having english muffins accompanying eggs of any sort.

Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are an essential to have stocked in my dorm room. There are so many different brands, flavors, and varieties to choose from, so I promise that you will find a type that you like. My personal favorite flavors are apple cinnamon, cinnamon toast, and chocolate. Rice cakes are super low in calories and you can make them very filling if you spread almond or peanut butter on top. I have been having rice cakes for years and never get sick of them. They are the perfect snack!


I really do not know what I would do in a world where hummus didn’t exist. It is so yummy! I love all hummus flavors, but particularly like the garlic flavors. My favorite foods to dip in hummus include carrots, cucumbers, rice crackers, and wheat thins. I eat hummus just about everyday and it is always my go-to food because I am in the mood for it basically all the time.


I can have chocolate at any time of the day. It is 100% my biggest weakness. Because of my intense love for chocolate, I really don’t prohibit myself. Instead, I have found great alternatives that attend to my sweet tooth. For example, I never feel badly having a bit of dark chocolate, which has a lot of health benefits and is actually my favorite kind of chocolate. I am also addicted to chocolate covered fruits and nuts, which I usually consume after dinner when I am craving something sugary. For me, I have found it most beneficial to not restrict myself, so never stop yourself from having some chocolate every so often! 

Here are some other articles to give you some snack inspiration!



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Charlotte Barry

St. Law U '17

Hi! My name is Charlotte Barry and I am a freshman at St. Lawrence University.