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7 Snacks You Can Make in an Ice Cube Tray

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at St. John’s chapter.

The uses of an ice cube tray go way past making fruity ice cubes to spruce up your summer beverages and exceeds freezing lemonade or chocolate milk to make homemade ice pops. Ice cube trays are gifts that should be used to make delicious and easy snacks in perfect portion-controlled sizes.

#SpoonTip: If you haven’t made frozen lemonade pops, get on that. They are delicious.

Here are seven snack ideas you can make in an ice cube tray that aren’t plain old ice.

1. Peanut Butter Cups

ice cube

Photo by Lauren M. Majid

Everyone seems to love the medley of peanut butter and chocolate, so why not make a homemade PB cup? To make this, line the tray with your choice of melted chocolate, fill the inside with your choice of peanut butter (creamy or chunky), and cover the peanut butter with more of the melted chocolate. Set in the fridge for about 30-35 minutes to make sure the form holds and the chocolate gets solid. In order to remove the cups from the tray, twist it just like you would when getting out an ice cube. Enjoy!

Set in the fridge for about 30-35 minutes to make sure the form holds and the chocolate gets solid. In order to remove the cups from the tray, twist it just like you would when getting out an ice cube. Enjoy!

#SpoonTip: I recommend using creamy peanut butter, because it holds better.

 2. Chocolate Covered Pretzel

ice cube

Photo by Lauren M. Majid

Chocolate covered pretzels are a huge hit at a party snack table. Fill each cube on the tray half way with your choice of melted chocolate and stick in a pretzel heart. Add as many pretzels as you desire. Let them cool in the fridge for about 25-30 minutes. Like the PB cups, twist the tray to remove the pretzels from the tray.

#SpoonTip: I recommend using pretzel hearts. They have the perfect shape to fit two or three into a cube.

 3. Candy Apple Pops

ice cube

Photo by Lauren M. Majid

Halloween treats don’t only have to be made once a year. Before you begin making these fun apple pops, start by cutting the apples into large cubes. Set those aside. Next, fill each cup with melted chocolate and stick in those large apple cubes. Drizzle the apples with left-over chocolate and toss on some of your favorite candy. The drizzled chocolate will act as a glue for the added candy.

#SpoonTip: Swap out the chocolate for caramel.  For the caramel, freeze for 20-25 minutes and eat right after you take them out of the freezer. Yum!

4. Bacon Mac and Cheese Bites

ice cube

Photo by Lauren M. Majid

Slow clap for my wonderfully genius mother for thinking of this show stopping idea. When in doubt, add bacon to whatever you’re eating. In this case, America’s second favorite food — next to pizza (which also tastes amazing with bacon) — is mac and cheese. Whether it be homemade or Kraft, mac and cheese changes lives.

This is also super easy to make. Whip up your favorite kind of mac and cheese and fry up some bacon. Chop the bacon up into small pieces and add to the mac and cheese. Fill the tray with the bacon mac and cheese and then sprinkle on top any left over bacon pieces. Freeze for about 25-30 minutes to hold. Once the time is up, remove the bites from the tray and let them sit at room temperature until you’re ready to attack.

5. S’mores Bites

ice cube

Photo by Lauren M. Majid

Growing up, my neighbors called me up every Tuesday, Thursday, and snow day off from school to make these sweet delights. I have three words: marshmallows, cinnamon cereal, and chocolate.

Melt the marshmallows, chocolate, crush the cereal, and then mix all the ingredients together. Pack the mixture into the tray and refrigerate for about 20-25 minutes.  When ready to eat, twist the tray and pop out the bites.

#SpoonTip: You can also set the s’mores in a room temperature area, it will just take an additional 15-20 minutes for them to form.

6. Trail Mix Cubes

ice cube

Photo by Lauren M. Majid

For the nature guru in all of us, these trail mix cubes satisfy. They are the perfect amount of protein from the nuts, sweet from the honey and raisins, and chocolate from the chocolate.

In order to make the perfect trail mix cube, obtain your favorite kind of nut, honey, raisins, and chocolate chips. Cover the bottom with a layer of honey, then a layer of nuts, layer of honey, layer of raisins, layer of honey, layer of chocolate chips and finish it off with a drizzle of honey.  Place in the freezer for about 25-30 minutes.  Scoop out and indulge.

#SpoonTip: Use white chocolate chips to add a new level of trail mix sophistication.

7. Cheesy Pesto Pasta Bites

ice cube

Photo by Lauren M. Majid

These cheesy pesto bites are just like the bacon mac and cheese bites.  You start with your pasta and mix in pesto sauce and grated cheese. The fresh smell of basil from the pesto fills the room. Yes. Fill each square with a generous amount of pasta and freeze them for 25-30 minutes. When you’re ready, let the bites defrost and enjoy.

#SpoonTip: Make a batch of these and stick them in the freezer for when you’re ready to enjoy with friends.

Alexandra attends St. John’s University and will be a pharmacist one day in 2021 with any luck. Throws dance parties by herself an alarming amount. Is 100% Greek and that’s definitely not the last you’ll hear of it. Girl Scout, tennis, and grimace extraordinaire. Lives in a tent sometimes. Hopes to be almost-famous enough to be on Dancing with the Stars.