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Jennifer Lawrence Revealed Her Favorite Alcohol Is Gin

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at St Andrews chapter.

Jennifer Lawrence is easily one of Hollywood’s most relatable actresses. OK, so she lives in an $8 million dollar faux-Tuscan villa and has a driver named Paul, but she also seems like the kind of friend that would send you cat memes to cheer you up. Even J-Law’s favorite foods are down-to-earth: pizza, red wine, and a good ol’ bag of cool ranch Doritos. In fact, J-Law ate so many Doritos on the set of “American Hustle” that she damaged some of her costumes by getting orange dust on them. So when Jennifer Lawrence revealed her favorite alcohol is gin, I was pretty pumped to discover our mutual love for yet another thing.

The “Burning Question”

In an interview with Ellen Degeneres during a “Burning Questions” segment, Ellen asked the actress what cocktail she would choose if she could only drink one for the rest of her life. In typical Jennifer Lawrence style, J-Law blurted out about three types of cocktails before settling on her final answer: gin. Tbh I’m not sure that straight-up gin can actually count as a cocktail, but I respect her enthusiasm. If it helps, one of her answers was actually a gin martini. 

I mean, I personally might go for something with a sweet mixer like a Blackberry Gin Fizz, but I admire J-Law’s ability to drink straight gin like a champ. You go, girl.

J-Law Has a Drunk Alter Ego Named Gail

J-Law’s love of gin wasn’t the only thing that the actress revealed on Ellen. She also told the host that she has an alter-ego named Gail that comes out every time that she drinks rum, which is usually when she’s on holiday with her girlfriends. Gail convinces J-Law to do fun things like jump into shark-infested waters and eat worms just to make her friends laugh. Honestly, if that’s what J-Law is like on rum, then I can’t imagine what her gin alter-ego would look like. It sounds like any vacay with her would be hilarious (and a little scary), though.

Honestly, if that’s what J-Law is like on rum, then I can’t imagine what her gin alter-ego would look like. It sounds like any vacay with her would be hilarious (and a little scary), though.

Gin Sure Seems Trendy, Eh?

J-Law isn’t the only one that’s loving gin at the moment—the liquor is becoming super trendy, and I am totally down for it. Companies like The Treat Kitchen and Prestat are leading the way with gin-and-tonic Easter eggs made from white chocolate that’s infused with liquor. Other gin-inspired products on the market include jam, candles, and lip-balm.

Heck, just the other weekend, I went to an actual Gin Spa in Glasgow that offers treatments based on the aromas found in gin. Gin is definitely taking over the world, and I want Jennifer Lawrence to lead the revolution. #GiniferLawrence2018, anyone?

I always thought that nothing could be more relatable than J-Law clambering over seats at the Oscars, but when Jennifer Lawrence revealed her favorite alcohol is gin, I was proven wrong. As J-Law points out, there is literally no better drink than gin. Cheers, girl — you totally get me. 

Jody Brimacombe

St Andrews '19

Jody is a third-year English major. Her favorite things include green smoothies, eating entire jars of nut butter, and singing in the car. She also has a not-so-secret weakness for trash TV.